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Since today I had no college and no job to rush to, so I thought to sleep in. I woke up around 8.30.

I strolled around the kitchen to find something for breakfast. I found lots of empty jars and a week-old packet of bread. It had two breads, luckily it wasn't mouldy.

I sprinkled some sugar over one loaf of bread and spread a little butter on the other loaf. I put together both the loaves and tadaa my sandwich was ready to devour.

What a wrong time for my little device to ring. My royal Sandwich has to wait for a while.

'Hello, am I speaking to Miss Avaline Knight?' the lady on the phone said.

"Yes, I am speaking," I answered.

'Good morning Miss Knight, I am Mary from King's Group. I am pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the interview.'
Oh my God! Am I hearing right?

'Miss Knight your interview will be held today at 11 a.m. Are the timing fine for you?'
She added.

"Thank you Mary and I'll be there at 11."

'Okay, Miss Knight have a good day.' she said before hanging up.

Oh my God! Oh my God!

Was this call a dream? I was jumping, crying and smiling at the same time.

It's a dream come true. I have an interview with my dream company.

That uneaten Sandwich was long forgotten. I quickly rushed to the wardrobe to put together a formal outfit. A paired black pants with a beige top and a black jacket. I think it will look sleek and confident. Anyway, it was the best I had.

I quickly ran to the washroom to take a bath and get ready.

It was already 10 by the time I was done

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It was already 10 by the time I was done. Satisfied with the look, I quickly grabbed my bag and documents and rushed to catch a cab.

Don't worry I didn't abandon my sandwich I took it with me and ate it in the cab.

The cab stopped out of my dream company. It was such a beauty.

Best of luck Ava

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Best of luck Ava. You can do it.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Okay, I was ready now, I went inside the building. I am so out of place here. Everyone is so prim and properly dressed here. Their clothes are designer and not even a hair strand is out of place.

Not allowing myself to get more demotivated, I went to the reception and asked,
"Hi, I am Avaline Knight. I am here for the interview."
The lady gave me a judging look but later directed me to go to the 17th floor which is dedicated to the HR team. She also gave me a temporary ID card.

I hurriedly went to the lift and pressed for the 17th floor. There I met Mary, whom I had talked to on the phone.

She was a sweet lady. She further guided me to a cabin where a team of four people were sitting to take my interview.

I was so so nervous, I was trembling. I gathered some courage and knocked on the door.

I went inside when I heard come in. I have given countless interviews in life but nothing prepared me for what I was about to face.

After a series of questions and cross-questions, I WAS HIRED.

Yes, you read it right. From tomorrow I'll start working in the Kings Co.
I'll be a part of my dream empire.
My guest ID would be changed to an employee ID card.
I'll have a reliable job.

I am so excited and ecstatic.

Cheers to dreams.

I am feeling vibrant. Like now my bad chapters are over. Things will change for good.
Fingers crossed.
May my 6th sense be correct for once.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

Chapter 4 is done. What do you think?

QOTD: Are you an introvert or extrovert?

I am an introvert.

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