~Chapter 25~

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Odin was a light skinned man somewhere in his late fifties. His hair is relatively long, a couple strands were braided, with its color being mostly gray, but with a few streaks of black. Odin had a full beard so long it reached his chest, mostly gray, but with large patches of white. His right eye was covered with an eyepatch with his other gray-blue eye staring into my soul. In his hand he held a beautiful Norse spear, Gungnir.

"You're my ancestor?" I asked, confused. "How? I don't think my mom had any norse ancestors though."

The god gave a small smile. "I am talking to you, Adrius Markus. Your family was deeply rooted into the norse world. Had you not died, I would have revealed myself to you."

"Wait hold on, that doesn't make sense.." I was confused.

"The answer is simple, Adrius or would you rather be called by your new name?" Odin asked.

"I left that name long behind, I am now Perseus Jackson." I responded with my head bowed.

"If you say so." Odin muttered. "Now to answer your question. The reason I am here is because I have tied my soul to your family blood-line. As long as your bloodline lives I will continue to move onto the next male heir."

"That is a lot to take in." I admitted. Odin waved me off.

"Now the reason I have brought you here is because it is time that you recieved your divine blessing." He spoke as he walked around me.

"Hold on, a divine blessing?" I asked confused. "What do you mean."

"When the male comes of age, I appear before them and grant them my blessing. Usually they all ask for my wisdom."

"So I can pick anything I want?" I responded. Odin nodded as he clasped his hands together.

"That is correct. Now, boy. What is it that you wish for, any of my powers is now yours. Choose well for once you recieve your gift, you wont be able to change it.

I stared at the all-father. "I want the Odin Force."

"Are you sure, it is a really powerful ability. You will need to train really hard to control it, do you still want it?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Alright, then the Odin Force is now yours, use it well, my child." Odin placed a hand on my head as a silver light was absorbed into my body. "My powers live in your veins, boy!" Odin shouted as my vision went black. "Use them to defeat that annoying godling!"

In the heart of the battle with Heracles, an unexpected surge of energy erupted from within me, propelling the God of Strength two feet backward. I could feel my heart racing, my muscles tensing with newfound power. Above, thunder shook the heavens, and a colossal beam of light descended from the sky, it looked to be made of a rainbow and it struck the ground between Heracles and me. It was unmistakably the Bifrost—the legendary bridge of the Norse gods.

Without hesitation, I relinquished my grip on Riptide and Morningstar, my trusted Xiphos blades, and removed Atlan. With a determined resolve, I hurled the enchanted ring into the heart of the rainbow beam, knowing deep within me that this was the path to victory.

All eyes were fixed upon the suspended ring as it hung in the center of the Bifrost, rapidly spinning taking on the form of Draupnir, before it glowed with divine energy as it changed and what took its place was a magnificent 7-foot spear. Its exquisite craftsmanship was evident, crafted from what appeared to be ivory or some other ethereal bone-like material. Intricate patterns adorned its surface, representing ancient Norse runes. It was Gungnir, the legendary spear of Odin himself.

A grin of exhilaration crossed my face as the bifrost vanished and the spear shot back towards me. "Oh, I can work with this!" I exclaimed. "Thank you, Odin."

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