Chapter 55

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The day had finally arrived. B-Day. Bryce was en route to Westinghouse Manor.

To say Tawny's workplace was a flurry of activity would be an understatement. Sara and her team were rushing back and forth to get everything ready for the patriarch Westinghouse's grand arrival.

"Okay, people!" announced Sarah, clipboard in hand. "My father's due to arrive within the hour! It's imperative that this goes off without a hitch. Everything needs to be impeccable, perfect, for this to succeed."

"So in other words, no pressure," quipped Audrey, two-handing a massive floral display as she walked by.

Tawny spotted Dylan standing in the corner of the room, chewing on his fingernail.

"Hey," she said, sauntering over to him, and nearly scaring him out of his skin. "Are you nervous?"

"Do I look it?" normally an answer like this would given sarcastically, like nerves were the furthest thing from Dylan's mind. But the response was genuine, and Tawny could clearly see in his eyes that he craved a genuine answer.

Tawny took a step closer and adjusted the collar of his crisp, white dress shirt. "'re not meeting the President of the United States. You're just having dinner with your dad."

"You don't know my father," said Dylan, not meeting her gaze. "The man's like a tyrant of psychological torment. Half the time he doesn't even need to lift a finger to inflict lasting damage..."

Tawny didn't know how to respond to that. It gave her mixed feelings to hear Dylan denigrate her father so, meanwhile, she never really knew her father. For her, it was more like an idea or a concept, a means to an end which resulted in her messy existence into the world. Briefly, her mind wandered to the notion the lack of a father figure in her life is what spurred her limerance for her professor.

"Do I really crave Professor McCurdy, or is all this stuff just daddy issues manifesting in a really awkward way?" Tawny mused to herself.

As she was lost in thought, she felt the soft touch of Dylan's hands over top her own. She had absentmindedly migrated from her collar to Dylan's royal blue necktie to adjust it, and it was at that point when he made the bold move.

"Matthews..." he said, his eyes remaining fixed on their hands. "I can't thank you enough for all that you've done."

Tawny smirked a bit. "Not bad for a peasant, huh" was the response on the tip of her tongue, but it died when she met his eyes; she just couldn't say it. She was taken aback by Dylan's sudden change in demeanor.

Gone was the pompous, arrogant blowhard of a teenager, the spoiled, pampered rich kid whose cock of the walk tendencies belied a sense of confidence and self-assuredness.

Here before her was a scared little boy, needy and searching desperately for approval.

It was a side of Dylan that Tawny had never seen before, and yet somehow she had instantly craved more. His blue eyes were like a mirror of vulnerability, and in that moment, she would have given anything to step inside and be with him.

"It was nothing," she said, and felt her cheeks growing hot in spite of herself.

Just then, an unknown Dylantante arrived in the room. "Excuse me - sorry to interrupt, but a luxury sedan has just pulled up in front of the facade."

The room went still and quiet, as though World War 3 was just announced at their doorstep. Even as the words were uttered, Tawny felt Dylan squeeze her hand tightly.

"He's here," Sarah said, then turned to her brother. "Dylan. It's go time."

Dylan nodded,  and in an instant, released Tawny so he could join his sister at her side. "We'll go on ahead to get the greetings in order," Sarah continued. "Let's knock him dead, you guys."

"Whoo!" Audrey exclaimed, raising her fist to the sky as the two siblings departed the room. 

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Maddie said. "We've got to get the top-shelf whiskey from the parlour room. Sarah said Bryce will likely want to have a glass after dinner to wind down."

"I know where that is," Audrey said. "Let me show you the way. Tawny, you'll be good in here to finish things up while we're gone?"

"I'll hold up the fort," Tawny said, giving a brief salute.

As Audrey and Maddie exited, Tawny made her way to a framed picture on the wall and adjusted it. As she did so, she could see the distorted reflection of a figure in the glass frame.

When she turned around, she was surprised to see Elaine standing at the entrance, a haughty smile on her face.

What was she doing here? Tawny thought.

She didn't have to think long. Elaine stepped aside to allow Madam Fraus to enter, who did not look at all pleased. 

"Is this the one?" asked Madam Fraus.

Elaine nodded and pointed. "Yes, that's her. That's the maid who stole from the Westinghouse Family."

"That's all I need," said Madam Fraus. "Okay, boys - you can take it from here."

"What?" Before Tawny could comprehend what was going on, two large suited men entered the room and descended upon her, while Elaine looked on with smug satisfaction.

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