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Jai Shree Krishna
Chapter 1

Tiya Shekhawat, 26, sat on the edge of the bed, clutching the ultrasound scan picture to her chest as tears streamed down her cheeks. The image of her unborn child, once a beacon of hope and joy, now served as a painful reminder of her devastating loss. She couldn't comprehend how something so precious could slip away from her grasp.

Each tear that fell echoed the weight of her grief, her sobs reverberating in the empty room. The sense of emptiness enveloped her, suffocating her with its cruel reality. She felt lost, adrift in a sea of despair, unable to find solace in the darkness that consumed her.

Unbeknownst to Tiya, someone stood silently in the doorway, watching her heartbreak unfold. His own eyes misty with unshed tears, he longed to offer her comfort, to ease her pain in any way he could. Yet, he hesitated, unsure if his presence would provide the solace she needed or only serve as a painful reminder of their shared loss.

Karan Shekhawat, 31, Tiya's husband, wrestled with his own emotions as he observed her from afar. The desire to rush to her side, to hold her close and whisper words of reassurance, warred with the fear of intruding upon her grief. He knew that no words could mend her shattered heart, but he yearned to be there for her nonetheless.

In the end, Karan made a difficult decision. With a heavy heart, he turned away, leaving Tiya to mourn in solitude. He understood that she needed space to process her emotions, to come to terms with the magnitude of their loss. And so, with a last lingering glance, he silently slipped out of the room and headed for the office, his own heart heavy with sorrow.

Tiya Shekhawat was no stranger to loss. Orphaned at a young age, she had faced adversity with courage and resilience, finding solace in her studies and her passion for teaching. It was her strength and determination that had drawn Karan Shekhawat to her, captivated by her unwavering spirit and quiet grace.

Their marriage, arranged by fate and orchestrated by well-meaning caretakers, had blossomed into a great companionship. Yet, even the strongest relationship could not shield them from the pain of loss, from the cruel hand fate had dealt them.

As Tiya sat alone in their shared bedroom, her tears staining the fabric of their once-happy life, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her loneliness. She longed for Karan's comforting embrace, his reassuring presence to chase away the shadows that haunted her mind.

But for now, she was alone with her grief, grappling with the harsh reality of a future forever altered by the absence of her unborn child.

Feeling parched and weary from the weight of her emotions, Tiya Shekhawat rose from the edge of the bed, her movements slow and deliberate. As she made her way downstairs to the kitchen in search of a glass of water, her footsteps echoed in the silence of the house.

Passing by her mother-in-law Sarika's room, Tiya hesitated for a moment, the faint murmur of voices catching her attention. Curiosity piqued, she paused outside the closed door, straining to listen to the conversation within.

Inside the room, Sarika, Tiya's mother-in-law, sat perched on the edge of the bed, her expression grave as she engaged in deep conversation with Tiya's sister-in-law, Meera. Their voices were low and hushed, tinged with an air of secrecy that made Tiya's heart skip a beat.

Eager to catch snippets of their discussion, Tiya leaned in closer, her ears attuned to every word spoken. She could sense the tension in the air, the weight of unspoken truths lingering between them like a heavy fog.

As Sarika and Meera exchanged whispered words, Tiya's mind raced with questions. What were they discussing? Was it something about her? The uncertainty gnawed at her, sending a shiver down her spine.

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