Chapter 3

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You had decided to bring the clipboard, some note paper/paper, a pencil with you and your phone of course. You decide you don't need to bring your laptop. (You have a monitor computer and a laptop/portable computer. Hope that didn't confuse anyone)

Ester gave you the address, to the psych ward/prison.

You thank her then exit the room, heading towards the elevator.

Once you enter the elevator you press the garage button.

When the elevator finally opens you step out. Making your way towards your car.

You finally make it to your car and unlock it, getting in and starting to make your way to the address.


The large prison/psych ward started to come into view.

You had to go through a handful of security to even get near the prison and you were now sitting in the back of a transfer vehicle.

The guards were cold and showed no emotion towards you.

The car bumped along the road as it went over potholes in the thin cement. You guessed it was probably thicker and better taken care of before but no one bothered fixing it as time went on.


The car pulled to a stop as it parked itself in a small parking lot in front of the building.

The guard steps out and opens the door for you. You thank him but he says nothing in response just keeping a cold emotionless face.

After you fully exit the car, and gather all your things he closes the door behind you. He asks you to follow him and you do.

He leads you into the building.

You have to again go through a brief security check, showing that you had no weapons, and your permission and verification to even be there.

They leave you alone for a moment so you decide to take a look around the room you were in. It seemed to be the lobby, and a small thin metal sign that sat on the wall only proved your thought.

The lobby was pretty boring and simple, a reception desk sat at one corner, a few signs hung from a wall in front of the desk, and almost everything was gray.

You decide to get closer to the signs on the wall.

The sign in the middle reads, 'Level 1 Patients: Ground floor, sector Vale.' You continue to read, 'Level 2 Patients: Ground Floor, sector-'

Just as you were about to finish reading you were poked gruffly on the shoulder, drawing you attention away from the signs.

You look over and see it's one of the psych ward guards.

"I'm here to escort you to the patient."


The guard escorted you through the building, walking through a maze of hallways. Some of the lights flicker on and off, glowing a dim yellow.

Random noises and sounds echo through the halls of the psych ward. You try your best to ignore them but you don't really succeed.


As you walked in silence you noticed another sign but the only thing you were able to see was an arrow pointing down the hall in the direction you were going and some words you weren't able to read.

After a bit more walking a rusty elevator comes into view. When we reached it the guard that accompanied me pressed one of the two buttons. When he does this the button glows a dim white and a panel a bit above the elevator glows a dim red probably singling the elevator is on its way.

Hello~ (Butcher Wally x F!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora