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Hi everyone I hope you all are doing good and are having a good time reading the stories. As all of you know this book has now ended and I have received a lot of amazing comments on this book and I am so very greatful to all of you for commenting and letting me know your thoughts. But as always there are few things that I would like to tell you all.

1. This is my first book that I have written and I had put a lot of effort and my time into this book and I am just a newbie whose starting out.

2. I  understand that this book might have not reached the expectation of a few people but guys please remember that I am just starting out and everyone makes mistakes.

3. As I have already mentioned before I am currently pursuing a degree which is very important for my career and because of that I was not always able to publish a chapter when I intended to and I am still very sorry for that.

4. Adhiraj had been talk of the town character because not everyone like him much ,a few people thought that he had not been sorry enough and that the Dishika is being like any other lead who would accept domestic violence. For the record I never wanted to add  domestic violence but all the scenes that were added was because this was a mafia book and people asked for it to be a little more Mafia like and I agree if you all believe that I was not able to put that great of a mafia story in front but I tried to do whatever I was able to .

5. I know a lot you of you did not like the story and left it in between and that is completely fine if you do not want to read it any further and I am extremely thankful that you choose to give this book a chance.

6. Now I have never asked people to vote and comment till a particular target but I have always left on people that they would vote and comment as per their wish and on the metre of how much they like the chapter but recently have been seeing that there are more than 2K reads on few of the chapters but just 400 to 450 votes and barley 50 comments and this is kind of disheartening as a writer puts a lot of effort into writing a chapter and really awaits the response from the readers. It would be a small request from my side that not only my book but any book that you read please do share your thoughts  through comments and vote for the chapter because that makes the day for the author seeing that the time she spent for that chapter being actually appreciated or at least acknowledged.

7. Last but not the least I would like to tell you all that the bonus chapters would be coming out a little later as I am currently occupied with a lot of things.

Also there is going to be a new book coming out soon and I would be making it's announcement soon and I hope to see all of you lovely people in that book too!

Thank you so much for giving so much love to Devil's Jaan and for reading this announcement. Stay happy, healthy and amazing . I  will see you in my next book until next time bbyeee


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