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I don't know how long I've been running. Tears cloud my vision as I stagger my way forward. I wipe my tears away. Goddess please help me. I can't remember the last time I prayed. I wish she was here with me. Please goddess don't take her away from me. She's all I have left now. My wolf. I stop just for few minutes to catch my breath. Howls. They're getting closer. 

Why can't they leave me alone. Why can't she leave me alone. She took everything away from me already. She took him away from me. But it wouldn't have mattered anyway, if it wasn't her it would have been someone else. Anyone but me. No I can't die like this. If I die now it'll all be for nothing, my life's work, her sacrifice will be all for nothing. No matter how easier this path is. I can't disrespect her like this. I owe my life to her. My mother.

I know there isn't just one pack hunting after me. There are many if not all. Some wants to kill me while some wants to keep me. But worst of all is his pack. He wants me dead. My mate wants me dead. A pained cry escape my lips from pain. My legs are so numb that I can't feel them. I can't even shift and run. Everyone I have ever trusted has always betrayed me in worst way possible.

Ingrid. She was the only friend I've  ever had. Why did she do it? Does status and power meant so much to her. I guess it does. I didn't know her intentions at all. Has she been working for Celestina all this time? My heart sank to my stomach, suddenly I felt the urge to vomit. I gagged and coughed wildly but didn't stop running.

There's no one left that I could trust. Dear goddess, if I get out of this alive, I'll never set foot in this wretched pack ever again. I here howls from all directions. These howls are not of warrior wolves, these are elite tracker wolves. Did he really send them after me? Is this how desperately he wants me dead? Is this how much Celestina means to him that he's willing to defy the council for her? Feeling of betrayal burns my heart as more tears cloud my vision. 

I don't know why am I even surprised. She took everything from me, my mate, my position, my family, my friend. My wolf. And now she wants my life too. I push away the pain of losing my mate to another she wolf, one who's worthy of Alpha. He didn't even give me a chance to prove that I am worthy of being the alpha female. Worthy of him.

I was so lost in my past that I didn't see a giant rock in front of me. I stumbled forward from the impact and fell down with such force that it almost shattered my knees. A pained cry escaped my lips. Almost instantly, I covered my mouth with my hands. A feeling of icy dread washes over me. These wolves are not just any wolves, they can hear me from miles away. Their howls are just warning, to surrender myself and accept my fate. 

I have been running for three weeks now. I was told to leave the pack grounds immediately. They didn't let me take anything. Pa. Is he searching from me? His disappointed gaze still haunts me. He didn't even give a chance. No one gave me a chance. Every pack must have known by now. No pack will ever miss this golden chance. Every single one of them hate me. Some wants to use me to win pack wars while some for leverage. I am sure he'll pay them good money to torture me. 

I brought this on myself. I should have known. Once I've served my purpose he will throw me away like trash. Celestina told me years ago. But my need to please him, to earn his approval, to get his acceptance, made me do all of this. I wanted to prove him that I'm better than Celestina. But it wouldn't have mattered, I can see it now. I've hurt so many people, so many packs, no wonder everyone wants me dead.

I wiped my tears away. Now is not the time to think about the past and my regrets. It's almost night time I have to find a shelter. I don't know if it'll be safe there but I have to at least try. I can't go on like this. My wolf is almost gone and I can't heal like normal wolves. Was this the reason. Stop it. My left knee is badly injured but good thing is that it's not shattered. I take some of the leaves on the ground and wipe the blood from my knees. While keeping the pressure on the right foot I stood up. I can't run in this condition. It's only gonna slow me down. 

Hopelessness washes over me. I try to walk as fast as I could but the blood keeps dripping down my legs, leaving a trail. It's gonna leave a scent making it easier for them to track me. But I can't do anything about it, I need to find shelter first or I'm gonna freeze to dead in this cold.

I see a clearing, a small river trail. The forest is more dense in this area, providing me some relief and comfort. I clean the wounds on my knees and elbows. It's been days since I had a drop of water. I greedily drink as much as I can. But I can't stay here for long, it'll be too obvious. They're gonna find me in a heartbeat. The wind is so chilly that it makes my teeth chatter. I need to get away from this river immediately. The first thing they're gonna do is look around the river. That's the first thing they teach in schools. 

The howls, I don't hear them now. It could be a trick to let my guard down. I have seen it plenty of times. I had planned it. Tearing down a piece of my already tattered dress, I wrap it around my left knee.

"I'm surprised you're still alive" my face whips around fast. I haven't seen her in years. She takes a step forward as I stumble backwards. "Are you working for him. Did he send you?" I sneer. She laughs out loudly, almost condescendingly. "You think I would've come all the way from Valewood to here if I were working for your mate. I don't have to do that you know. I knew exactly where you were and where you're going. Although I am disappointed you're mate didn't ask me, I could have used some extra cash" she laughs mockingly. 

"I've never thought I would ever see the great luna Persephone like this. He did it, didn't he, got rid of you after squeezing every single drop out of you. I've warned you before, didn't I" she whispered the last part as tears flowed from my eyes. She sighed disappointingly. 

"Why are you here" I whispered. "Years ago you helped me and my kind, although for your own selfish reasons, today I'm here to return the favor as I don't like to owe anyone anything" she said. "Take my hand and come with me. They're closer than you think" I shuddered. "They're just playing with you. They've been waiting for you to take the bait and you did" she said looking around the river trail. I look around hopelessly. I can't trust her or anybody but I don't have a choice. 

"Stop wasting the time. I'm the only one left willing to help you. Do you know how much risk I've taken trying to find you. Your mate is the most powerful wolf in the universe. If he ever found out that I helped you escape, he'll kill me and my kind. I'm taking a huge risk trying to save you. Take my hand" she whisper-yelled. I look at her outstretched hand than at her eyes as the howls get closer. 'I don't have a choice' I think as I take her hand in mine.

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