Chapter 10: The Change

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Celestia POV

When it was time I went down for lunch, I saw a big feast again. I was wondering who made this when my Dad complimented Isabella and Gina's cooking. It really was amazing I had to admit that. While everyone gathered to eat I was happy I could just observe this time without feeling the center of attention. Everyone was talking over each other, immersed in their conversations. Sometimes they asked me a question or two, but the others didn't stop to listen if I would answer, which made me relax even more.

I was asked to come talk to my father after lunch. I was a little nervous, but I was still thinking about my observations of everyone I didn't get too anxious about the upcoming talk. When I walked inside my dad started talking about phones and colors, I wasn't completely focused, but I guessed I had to choose once he showed me the options. I chose pink because I love the color. I loved all colors but since I had to choose a different one I chose pink. He handed the rectangular phone in my hand and looked at me expectantly. 

Mateo also hadn't left the room after he escorted me to the office. Was I supposed to know how to use one of these? I have seen them, but I have never used one before. I would have to find a way to learn because I wasn't admitting that I couldn't do it out loud. Of course, my Dad knew what I didn't want to admit. I admitted it was my first phone and I think they didn't look as mad as they felt at that moment. As humans said, "They have a great poker face." I don't know how I knew about their feelings, but I just rolled with it. I had to inherit something from Mom, maybe it was a better intuition than their normal one. 

They also said I should see the family doctor. That I already knew from my brothers. Not long after that, there was a knock on the door. An older man came in and he looked around. They greeted each other and introduced us. "Aurora, this is Dr. Stevens. He has been our family doctor for over two decades." The man smiled warmly at me and put his bag on the table in front of us. 

"I am Jack, you don't have to call me Dr. Stevens. That's too formal. I was there when your brothers were all born and have taken care of their health ever since." Now I felt left out for some reason. I knew it was unreasonable, but I still felt that way. The check-up as they referred to it went fast and he asked me many questions. He looked frustrated when I told him this was the first time I saw a doctor. He shouldn't be because this is the first time I am down here for good, while I was in Heaven I didn't need one. 

I was confused when the doctor took samples of my skin, blood, saliva, and hair. Does he really need those? I doubt he could find any evidence of the Divine, but what if he could? It isn't guaranteed, but I would cross that bridge when I come to it. I couldn't add something more to be anxious about now. After I was asked a ton of other questions I could finally leave. He said I wasn't sick anymore. Shocker! I am so "surprised" right now. Not! 

I went to find my brothers after that. I wasn't sure which one to ask to help me learn how to use the phone. Wes had a way of making you feel better with his jokes, but Asher seemed more grounded. I needed someone like that to explain things and not make jokes that would make me feel like I was stupid. I doubt Weston will do it to hurt my feelings, but I just felt Asher was the better choice somehow. I don't know why or how, but I just knew he could teach me better and faster. I found Ash in his room. The door was wide open and he was doing something on his computer. 

"Hi." He whirled around as if he didn't hear me come up. "Sorry for scaring you." I was quick to apologize. "I was wondering... I just thought... no I felt you would be able to teach me about this..." I showed him the phone itself. It didn't look like he understood my rambling until I did that. Ah! Focus and speak clearly Celestia! "... this phone, Dad gave it to me and I would like you to teach me how to use it. If you want to and have the time?"

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