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I have to control myself.

I can't get angry this time! Last time it ended up in such a mess! I was choked and I could have died. Azef got super angry too! He told me to keep myself under control. I'll have to do that!

It's just one night. If I get through this, I get paid enough to pay Azef back for Eris's admission. That's all I need.

"Hey~" The brat sitting beside me slapped my thigh, "One more drink," He poured more wine in my glass that I barely finished.

I felt so disgusted


I now understand why Ariana refused to take the offer, she left with so much confidence. Money is always tempting but at the expense of dignity, it's nothing.

I bit my lip and endured it. But at the expense of poverty, anything seems fancy enough.

For Eris,

I watched the glass fill up

"Be sure to drink it in one go," Another one said, "I'm loving the service tonight!"

"Yes," I tried not to frown but my eyebrows still knitted together.

"One, two, three, one shot!!" All the men along with the hostesses cheered for me as I drank the whole glass in one go. I had to close my eyes as I gulped down the whole thing.

"YEAH!!!!" The place was as noisy as it normally is, "Wohoo!!!"

A drop stream of the red liquid slipped down my mouth, down to my jawline and further down to my neck. I pulled the glass away from my lips after I was done and the table hooted at me.

This is not going to end well. I felt dizzy.

I'm going to faint on my way home.

The man sitting beside me slapped my thigh again and this time his nail got stuck in the stocking. When he took it off, a rip came along with it

"Oh~" One of the hostess noticed it first, "Ace you idiot, you tore her tights."

"Huh?" These people had been drinking for a while and I knew they were drunk, anyone could tell that, "What?" He looked at me, "Tore what?" He brought his face down to my thighs, "Ah," He saw the tear but instead of apologizing for that he buried his face in my thighs


"S-sir," An ick consumed me because of his actions and I grabbed his shoulders to get him off of me. It took a lot of effort and I had barely gotten him halfway up when his eyes landed on my neck.

"Oh, wine~" He forced his face into my neck.

"Sir!" I tried to get him off but he still managed to attach his lips on my skin.

It felt dirty.


Control yourself! This was your own decision! No one forced you into it!


Even thinking that didn't make it any less disgusting.

I made a quick glance around, all of them had their eyes on me.

"Ace has lost it!" They were pointing fingers and laughing while falling on top of each other.

They won't notice, right?

They won't,

I nodded to myself, balled my fist while I kept my other hand on Ace's shoulder, then I punched him in the gut

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now