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"Look, I'm telling you something about him rubs me the wrong way." Mika argued with Jimmy.

They had already arrived at the party and had gathered into a circle along with a few of their old friends.

"Oh please, when does anything ever rub you the right way?" He scoffed.

"When I use my hands to do it." She responded quickly.

Dean, who was taking a sip of his beer, spat it out and stared at me in utter disbelief.

"You can't say stuff like that, Mika." Jonathan scolded her playfully, hitting her shoulder.

"Correction I can. I just shouldn't." She corrected, sipping her juice.

"This is why I volunteered to put tape on your mouth." Amy joked.

They all sat on the couches in a circle outside, joking while others inside were dancing, more specifically grinding and dry humping each other to the music.

"No, but I agree with her, though he's creepy." Carter agreed, taking a whiff of his cigarette.

"Of course you do. You'd agree with anything she says, you stalker." Vanni rolled her eyes.

"Like you'd know what a stalker is who'd wanna stalk your ugly ass." He retorted.

To which Vanni extended her middle finger.

"I'd say you can take that finger an fuck yourself with it but even that wouldn't do it willingly." Carter said laughing.

"No, buy it's true, it's he's fucking weird." They agreed.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a refill. Keep my seat, please."  She said, getting up, which she received a thumbs up.

Mika walked into the house, making her way to the fridge near the counter where all different types of drinks were placed on display for the guests to consume as they pleased.

But the host Alex had stored her beverages in the fridge, knowing that she didn't drink alcohol.

As she was making her way down the stairs, she was pulled into a room.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She half yelled, turning around to face the one responsible for grabbing her.

"Shhh, it just me." The voice said their words slurred.

"Are you drunk?" She pauses before the alcohol hits her nostrils, and she continues,"You're wasted."

"Mika, let's get out of here and go somewhere more quiet so we can talk about what happened." He suggested.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." She said, shutting down the suggestion as quickly as it came up.

"You had no problem going with me before." He leaned closer.

"That's because I trusted you before I don't anymore." She stayed facing him.

"Are you afraid I'm going to hurt you." He tilted his head inching closer.

Before he could get any closer, she slammed her head into his, causing him to lose his balance and stager before regaining his senses.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He grunted.

"You're that last person on the planet I'm afraid of." She opened the door, halfway through, walking out he grabbed her hand, halting her.

"You're not even gonna act like you're sorry for what you just did." He said through gritted teeth, tightening his grip.

"I'm sorry your parents never taught you about boundaries. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a sad, miserable pathetic drunk, and you'd actually have a life. I'd advise you to let go before I punch you in the face." She warned.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now