Belated Birthday/One Up!

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The week of my mother's death I usually have no scenes to shoot.

A year after working with Linda and Lexis I felt comfortable enough to tell them about my mother. They of course felt for me and also understood why my mother did what she did, Linda made sure that my mental health was up to par and from then on out made sure the week of my mother's death that I was not available for any scenes.

They also respected that I didn't want to celebrate my birthday either. My birthday didn't feel the same with my mother not here, but this year I felt that it was finally time to celebrate.

And I feel that my mother would have wanted that for me, so who am I to disappoint her.  I informed Linda and Lexis that I wanted a birthday party this year but told them I wanted to celebrate after the anniversary of my mother's death.

When I tell you they were more than happy to start planning. I wouldn't be surprised if the party had over 1000 folks there. I don't think I even know that many folks. I made sure to hit up my good friend Heavenly to make my dress, I wanted something that would give slut on the weekends and hoe during the week.

Heavenly makes all my outfits for my shoots or scenes and also has her own private line of lingerie and sex toys. Looking at her and being around her you would never expect her to be a total freak nasty. She literally doesn't cuss one bit and if she does say a curse word by mistake, she prays right afterwards.

Heavenly attends church on Sunday and Bible study on tuesdays.

She has been a great friend to me and always keeps me encouraged. I have attended her church once or twice, and was made to feel very welcome. Of course a couple of people made some comments, but Heavenly was quick to put them in their place by quoting a Bible verse.

She also went on to say "God loves all of his children and she is one of them!"

After Heavenly put those hypocrites in their places, anytime I visited the church I had no issues.

Heavenly also is a writer, a writer of naughty fantastic stories that have a supernatural twist to them that have me ready to go out and find me a vampire or werewolf.

It's the day of my party and it has been a week since the anniversary of my mothers death.

I'm looking forward to letting loose and getting back to work. I walked into the hall that Linda and Lexis rented out for me and saw the hall is decked out in black and red roses with candles everywhere. This is some real sexy shit and I always wanted to have a party with a sexy dark theme too it. The hall is packed with former co-stars and friends that I have made since I have been here in LA.

All of a sudden I hear my best friends voice.

"Happy birthday you sexy slut!"

Callie smiles and walks towards me with Linda and Lexis not far behind holding a black and red birthday cake. Everyone starts singing birthday, and I look around the room at all the love and support I have in folks I hold close to my heart and also folks that I speak to here and there. As I go to blow my candles out and make a wish I catch Jameson looking at me like I'mma whole thanksgiving meal, I blow my candles out and everyone claps and hugs me.

The party has been in full swing I have chatted with everyone and catched up with Callie.

I'm surprised that Devin let her out of his sight after everything that has been going on with her. She just gave birth a little over six weeks ago, and the bitch looks good!

I excuse myself from everyone and head out to find the bathroom, and as I walk to the bathroom the room next to the bathroom I can hear moans coming from the other side of the door. My nosy ass just had to see what was going on. When I open the door I'm met with the sight of my arch enemy Rachel giving head to Jameson.

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