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Hello , I'm finally back.
Sorry for the late update.
I hope you guys will like it and shower your love by sharing your views in comments and hitting the star button.
Motivation me to do a fast update.
I hope I will update quickly now. I'm back on my track.
(If by any chance u guys forget what scene was going on 😭, check previous chapter once again)🥺😶‍🌫️
Ok, so let's start now...


Adyasha's heart raced as she met Rishab's gaze, her eyes betraying a flicker of emotion before she quickly composed herself. She glanced upwards, a fleeting moment to collect her thoughts before returning her attention to the mirror.

In the reflection, she saw herself – a facade of calm masking the turmoil within. With a steadying breath, Adyasha turned back to Rishab, their eyes locking once more in a silent exchange of tension and unspoken words.

Summoning her resolve, Adyasha finally broke the silence that hung heavy between them. "What? What are you doing here?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and indignation. "This is the women's washroom."

Her words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the intrusion of boundaries and the unwelcome presence of Rishab in a place where he clearly didn't belong. Adyasha's gaze remained steady, her posture poised as she awaited his response, her resolve unyielding despite the unsettling circumstances.

Adyasha's heart skipped a beat as Rishab's dark and deep voice echoed in the confines of the washroom. His words sent a shiver down her spine, his intense gaze holding her captive."It's you," he declared, his tone laced with an unmistakable edge.

her confusion mounting as she struggled to comprehend his cryptic statement. "Who?" she demanded, her voice tinged with frustration.

Ignoring her question, Rishab took another step closer, his presence looming over her like a shadow.

Adyasha's breath caught in her throat as he closed the distance between them, his proximity sending a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Don't talk to me in riddles," she insisted, her voice tinged with irritation.But Rishab remained undeterred, his gaze piercing her soul.

"Leave it, I will find out myself," Rishab declared, his voice dripping with determination. "Are you his new secretary?"

Adyasha bristled at the implication, her resolve hardening despite the unsettling intensity of the moment. "Yeah, so?" she retorted, her voice edged with defiance.

Rishab's lips grazed her ear as he leaned in, his proximity unnerving yet strangely exhilarating.his breath brushed against Adyasha's ear, sending a shiver down her spine. In that moment, her breath caught in her throat, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. How could his mere presence affect her so profoundly? Determined not to succumb to his allure, she steeled herself against the rising tide of sensation, refusing to be fooled again.

His words, dripping with darkness and malice, pierced the air like a dagger. "You know that, I will find her and I will cage her, I will hunt her and will take her back," he whispered, each syllable laced with sinister intent.

Adyasha felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, her heart pounding in her chest as his words hung in the air like a haunting refrain.
But as frustration and anger boiled within her, Adyasha refused to be cowed by his menacing presence. With a swift movement, she raised her hand to push him away, only to find herself pinned against the wall, trapped between his arms. Rishab's dark eyes bore into hers, his gaze unyielding as he admonished her for her defiance.

Furious at his audacity, Adyasha lashed out, her words dripping with venom. "Are you kidding me? What the hell is your problem, Mr.?" she spat, her voice laced with contempt. "We don't know each other, and here you are, playing your nasty games with me."

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