⟣𝗖hapter 26

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Staring at the white window for a long time, Xiào Mu thought of Hawke's words that he stopped eating biscuits after he was 10, and wondered if Leo would eat them. Since Leo accepted it, he should eat the biscuits, right? Probably...

Xiào Mu couldn't be sure, but it doesn't matter. He has done his part of manners, and he can't control other people's behavior. He filled the remaining biscuits into two transparent jars according to taste and put them on the table in the living room. After the afternoon nap, Xiào Mu received a message from Hawke. He washed his face and dried it with some tissues. Then he headed downstairs with the biscuit jars.

"See if you like it? I made at noon break." Xiào Mu handed the biscuit jars to Hawke as they walked to the school building.

Hawke happily received it and twisted open one of the jars, "Wow, it smells better than what I had when I was a kid." Taking a piece and ate it, Hawke praised it before even completely swallowing it, "It's delicious!"

Xiào Mu smelled the milky scent and asked with a smile, "So you like the sweet ones?"

Hawke swallowed one, then took another piece, "I like everything, as long as it tastes good."

A sentinel passing by smelled the scent and couldn't help but look back at Hawke's hand. Hawke saw it and immediately closed the lid. He wrinkled his nose and said, "Mine, I won't let you eat it even if you stare."

Right after Hawke said that, the jars of biscuits disappeared from his hands. Xiào Mu was taken aback, and soon realized, "Have you put it in your space storage?"

Hawke nodded and said with a smile, "I'm not hungry now, so just eat a bit to satisfy my tastebuds. I will eat some later between classes to replenish energy."

When Xiào Mu gave biscuits to the classmate at the opposite dorm building, he already had a plan in mind. Seeing that Hawke also liked it, Xiào Mu wanted to ask him his opinion, "I want to make biscuits for sale. After tasting the biscuits, would you be willing to spend money to buy them?"

"Of course!" Hawke nodded affirmatively and looked at Xiào Mu admiringly. "You are still underage but already know how to start a business."

Xiào Mu touched his nose and coughed slightly, "Not so exaggerated, I just want to make some pocket money."

Xiào Mu is not expecting the biscuits to make money. He just wanted to use them to slowly transfer the money he earned from the medicines publicly. In this way, spending money on things in the future will not arouse suspicion by others.

Hearing that, Hawke's worshipping gaze immediately became distressed, and he patted Xiào Mu on the shoulder, "If you are short of money, you must remember to borrow from me." He paused, "Or, how about I give you a salary increase?"

"No," Xiào Mu waved his hand, "Just pay me according to what we agreed. I am neither rich nor short of money." Then he turned the topic back to business, "Previously, you said before you don't eat biscuits after 10 years old. Won't there be very few people buying it?"

Hawke tilted his head and thought for a while, "Everyone definitely likes to eat nice things, but... if someone sees them eat snacks, they may be laughed at, saying that they haven't grown up. But there must be a lot of people who secretly eat them." Hawke's eyes moved as he thought of an idea and clapped his hands, "That's it! Many people in the school may be embarrassed to come forward to buy the biscuits. You can open a store on the virtual net, then! It's for the sake of eating good food anyway1."

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