Unexpected Friendship

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"Ma'am where were you between the hours of 5pm and 9:30 pm last night?"

The detective ask me and all I can think is "this fucking guy"

I stare back at him and laugh while shaking my head, I know this pale person is not trying to pin this shit on me. 

"I was at home touching my private parts for a while, then I talked to one of my favorite white people, then watched a whack ass horror movie. Were a white bitch kept falling in the forest like they always do"

I reply to the detective that looks at me stunned by my response. 

I don't know what he thought coming up in my home trying to pin Rachel's death on me, but he is really about to fuck around and find out. Within the last 24 hours a lot of shit has gone down, Rachel's death was ruled a homicide not suicide. So this detective showed up at my house about an hour ago and started asking me questions about Rachel's and I's relationship.

"Ma'am your making this more difficult than it has to be. Can you please just cooperate with me please"

The detective barks out at me while rubbing his hand down his face, clearly he is frustrated with me which is exactly what I want. I match all energies, so since he wants to be funny with me I'm going to be funny right back. We can be frustrated motha fuckas together!

"Mr. Detective sir, I'm answering your questions. Are you getting frustrated because you haven't had a release in a while? You are fine as fuck, even though you are irritating the fuck out of me. How big is your di-"

"That's enough Megan!"

The police chief Angus Miller yells at me cutting me off from asking how many inches Mr. fine ass detective is working with. The disrespect that this mother fucker had to walk in my house like he pays bills in here is just so damn comical to me.  Angus walks over to the couch and sits across from me, I'm sitting in my recliner with my legs over one of the arms of the chair. I look at him look at me and he says "Megan I know you didn't kill Rachel, but the detective here next to me has to ask these questions, due to the fact that Rachel did give you that STI"

I groan out loudly then smile saying "I know, I was just trying to have a little bit of fun. Plus he is fine as fuck, it's always been a fantasy of mines to get ragdolled by a detective. So I figured we kill to birds with one stone"

Angus rolls his eyes chuckling as he shakes his head, and the detective's face is beet red from blushing.

I kick my legs off the arm of the recliner and put my feet on the ground. I look directly in Angus's eyes and say "If I would have killed Rachel I would have done it by now. So with that being said I did not kill that woman, and if you need any proof that I didn't I have cameras in my room and throughout my whole house as well as outside my house. I will have my lawyer email the footage"

I finish saying to both men and stand up walking to the front door opening it for them to make like trees and leave. Both men stand up fixing their suit jackets and make their way out of my house. The detective runs like he is running from the police quickly out my house nodding as he passes me, Angus stops right in front of me looking dead in my eyes, then grabs me chin softly with his big left hand and whispers "I'm come over later after my shift and we can play cops and robbers sweetheart" I bat my pretty little lashes up at him, and smile brightly replying with "bring your cuffs"

He laughs lightly then nods walking out my front door.

After Mr's protect and serve left my house, I cleaned up a little bit, and made me some bomb ass Lasagna from scratch.

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