Broken Heart

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I shot my eyes open and sat up in a frenzy

"What happened!?!?" I asked as soon as I saw Xia-Lin sitting on the dressing puffy. She put the tube she was using down on the table and turned around to look at me.

"What happened?" She seemed annoyed, "Azef, you're getting very hard to deal with." She showed me her arm, "You even scratched me." She was in her silk navy blue gown and the sleeve slid back on her skin when she raised her arm.



Those were clearly claw marks and obviously they are mine.

"Uhhh," I kept staring at them, "They'll heal?" They weren't deep. I must have taken them out without realizing. The upper layer on the skin was cut, so if taken care of properly, they won't leave a scar either.

"Your wolf was out of control," She asked, "I've never seen it like that."

I let out a sigh, then buried my face in my palms, "It woke up... "

"It woke up?" She frowned, "Why? Because of your rut?"

"Maybe..." I rubbed my hands on my face, then brought them down, "But I can tell he was very irritated."

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes, "Someone was trying to call you desperately." She started tending to her injury again, "You might want to call them back."

I grabbed my phone from the sideable and looked at the caller ID


It was Ces? The boy who works in a lab?

Why is he calling? I was still thinking about whether to call him back or not when my phone screen lit up again because of the incoming call from Ces.

"Hello?" I groggily answered the call.

"Beta! We got a problem!!" He was in a panic, but that's not something odd considering it's Ces. He panics easily.

"What problem?" I asked,

"Remember after we talked last time,"


"When I told you about the blood sample, you asked me to have someone spy on Somi Soma, remember?"

"Yea," I got off the bed, "What about it?"

"Well, we might have a small problem."



It felt like the weight of the world was bearing down on my shoulders, a sense of utter despair washed over me like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf me in its depths. It felt as though everything I had ever known and loved was slipping through my fingers, leaving me stranded in a sea of uncertainty and sorrow.

The realization that I wasn't the mate of the man I had fallen so deeply in love with was like a dagger to the heart, piercing me with a pain that cut deeper than any physical wound. I had allowed myself to believe in a future that could never be—a future filled with love and happiness, with him by my side. But now, that future lay shattered at my feet, nothing more than a cruel illusion.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to think it could be me.

I read somewhere, if people aren't given love on a silver spoon, they learn to lick it off knives. I scoffed as I held the tears in. Looks like that was the case with me.

To make matters worse, the discovery that the number I had used to send messages to my late mother had been taken by someone else only added salt to the wound. It felt like a betrayal, a cruel twist of fate that mocked me with the reminder of everything I had lost.

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