Chapter 13 | Mommy's Boy

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Her bare feet had nearly turned black from walking around

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Her bare feet had nearly turned black from walking around.

It was uncomfortable- but she had gotten used to the pain by now. It encompassed her entire body like an aching sore, but it's become purely company.

She felt so lonely without her wolf. The pain was a reminder that she wasn't there- knowing that if Gleyma were, she would've lessened it. Gleyma was sweet... she would always put effort into helping her when she got hurt.

Calamity obtained her wolf at 16—just like everyone else. Now she's 29; how can she suddenly get used to her being gone?

She furrowed her brows as the woman stepped into the hotel lobby alongside the rich beta female.

If she remembers being 29... then that meant she was 49. 

Shoving her calloused hands in her pockets- she tried not to think about it. Just the thought was making her chest tighten with stress. 

The marble floors were a gentle white. A black circle pattern spanned most of the floor- inside the circle were beige flower petals with black spots. Leather seating, including a black coffee table, was in the middle.

Two floors were seen from the bottom floor. Bright skylights shone with the sun's light- creating different shapes in the reflection of the marble.

Live plants in black and white pots littered corners, the sides of furniture, and poles.

Calamity took a moment to look behind her- watching her heels in worry. The last thing she wanted was to be a gross homeless lady and leave dirty footprints.

The sweet, plump woman had left her expensive new items with the chauffeur. She cheerfully struts up to the front desk- her purse loosely hanging from her elbow. 

Calamity swiftly swung her hood off her head as the glass doors slowly shut themselves.

Using the incredible reflection of the marble floors- the woman fixed her fluffy mohawk, mixed with some dirt and misery, before shoving her hands back in her pockets. It wasn't fantastic, but it was somewhat presentable.

The pair approached the front desk at the far end of the large lobby. Windows lined the back, giving a beautiful view of the terrace with a luxurious pool and large jungle fauna.

With a soothing smile, River tapped a button on the counter before turning toward the raggedy woman.

"Ohh!" She perked at the sight of her hair, "Your mohawk is lovely! My older sister is thinking of getting one." The woman interestedly eyed her mohawk, "Your hair colour is perfect for it!"

The greatest part about meeting this woman was her kindness. The compliments improved her current state, which was best described as miserable, sprinkled with addiction withdrawal. It was not a mood, but it felt like one.

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