fuck me in the ass 😣💔

158 4 12

Cody: I'm hard

Geoff: real dude

Cody: @Trent fuck me 🥺🥺

Cody deleted a message

Gwen: I love boobs
Gwen: lawyer boobs to be exact

Heather: real

Izzy: I think I got my wall pregnant

Noah: What.

Izzy: uh uh uh

Insert epic really cool group name that j forgot

Heather: Cody back on the island reminds of that guy on Tiktok who would always talk about wanting goth mommies or some shit

Cody: Goth boobs ❤
Cody: But now I love Trent boobs

Cody deleted two messages

Cody: Wow thanks Heather

(I spelt those as thabksbHeathet at first)

I don't know what to write



Someone give me FUCKING GWEMMA

I swear I'm gonna kms I NEEF IT.


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