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"Harmoni Williams, you've been served." The lady said standing infront of Harmoni with the big orange envelope. Harmoni couldn't help but let out a bitter chuckle before accepting the envelope in her hands. She bitterly rolled her eyes as the woman walked away and she looked across the table at the person she was dining with.

"What's that about?" Her sister, Melodi asked with a frown. Harmoni rolled her eyes and shook her head before speaking

"Chantel and Rue from the cafe. Suing me for wrongful termination." Harmoni said as she took a sip from her drink. "Delusional."

"Why did you terminate them?" Melodi asked ready for her sister to spill the tea. "I thought Chantel was your best girl?"

"Girl don't even get me started." Harmoni shook her head. "They were stealing from me. But they assume i don't have enough evidence so therefore they're suing me back."

"They stole from the Cafe?!" Melodi whispered yelled.

"Indeed they did." Harmoni said lowly as she looked around the semi busy resale.

Harmoni had just woken up when she received a phone call from her younger sister Melodi, saying she wanted to take her out to eat. Harmoni definitely wasn't the one to turn down free food. Nor a good time with her sister.

Harmoni and Melodi were like two peas in a pod. When you seen one you seen the other. The two hardly ever fought, but when they did it was bad. But they never let that stop them from defending eachother when need be.

"Did you fight them?" Melodi asked with a straight face.

"Leon's is a business Mel." Harmoni deadpanned.

"Fine, ill beat their ass for you." Mel shrugged. "How are they going to try and sue you?"

"They're just dumb. I'll worry about that later." Harmoni shrugged. "Finish telling me about your boo."

"Girl, i like how you did that." Mel side eyed. "But he's amazing literally. Girl i tweeted that i wanted some skims that just came out. Girl it was on my doorstep this morning. He don't play, he gets down."

"I love that, have you told mama about him?"

"Girl i barely told you. You know how i am. I like to keep shit p till i know what it is for sure."

"I feel you. Nothing wrong with that." Harmoni shrugged as she picked up her glass taking a sip of wine.

"What about you? Anybody crawled in your ancient bed yet?" Mel asked tilting her head to the side.

"Hahaha very funny." Harmoni said as she rolled her eyes. "But no, plus i don't have time right now. Its so much going on with the business right now. Drew's death, mommy's illness its just alot right now."

"Moni." Mel said as she rolled her eyes. "Excuses is what i hear. Mommy's damn near cancer free, Drew died months ago. Did it hurt yeah, but you think he would want you to be miserable?" Melodi said eyeing her sister. "Not trying to be insensitive but your reasoning for not putting yourself out there are dumb." Mel said bluntly.

Harmoni looked ahead of her at her sister blankly. She felt that her sister was indeed being insensitive. Harmoni felt as though if she's still grieving then it was her right to. She wasn't in the right head space for a man. She came with too much baggage, that she felt no man was willing to deal with. Some days she were okay and some days she wasn't. She knew men weren't big fans of rollercoasters and she was the biggest one.

"Excuse me, i need to run to the ladies room." She smiled soft before getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

"Mo-" But Harmoni had already walked away from the table. She entered the restroom and instantly went over to the sink as she looked at herself through the mirror. Clearing her throat she put her index finger to her eye to stop the watery substance from falling from its lid.

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