Chapter 1

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I heartily welcome you to Rumor Has It.  I have always loved reading about mysteries and solving them, patience is the key so I advise you to not flip or scroll to the last page. So here I'm writing a book for all the mystery lovers out there! This is also a story about friendships, love, family and life dilemmas. Despite the dark and twisted things going on in this book, I can assure you it has many lighthearted moments!

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 01~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

My fingers wrapped around the cold glass of water, I leaned closer to the window basking in the sunlight and the cold breeze coming from the ocean.

All of the windows were cracked open but having ten people gathered in one room made the air barely breathable. I had gone down to the first floor to grab some water but stayed in the living room for the gossip.

To my dismay, it wasn't anything interesting and I guess that's what I get for being nosy despite them talking out in the open.

" I literally told her that I was going to get a jeep and then suddenly she pulls up with one out of the blue, I'm flattered but annoyed you know?" Cindy ranted, clasping her hands together and staring at the TV.

" Who cares, she is a freshman what did you expect?" I reasoned since everyone had nothing to say. Cindy was a social butterfly and also the easiest person to annoy, I'm still puzzled about how that's possible. We aren't that close and maybe that's the reason or maybe not but all I know for certain is that the freshman in question doesn't know that Cindy is annoyed at them.

She turns her head to me with a confused look on her face." I don't know, maybe to have her own personality?"

" Stop it, You're going too far now babe." I hear her boyfriend say and Cindy's attention turns to him. I turned my head back as I heard laughter through the window.

I didn't get to keep my eyes on the window for too long as I felt eyes on me. Which shouldn't bother me since the beach house was occupied with familiar faces. I tired to relax seeing that everyone seemed to enjoy the party.

My gaze shifted towards the stairs where a few of my friends descended down to the living room, some joined those dancing, and the rest came over to chat by the couch, I could barely hear them from the loud music bouncing through the walls.

I took a sip of my water before putting my curls up in a low bun. I always trusted my gut but lately, it was annoying me as I felt hawked every time I stepped out.

My eyes could barely stay open and my ability to focus had declined since I got to the beach house hours ago. I had barely seen my bed this summer since my friends and I always had something or somewhere to be.

I hate that the last few days of summer always pass by so quickly and it makes you wish you could turn back time. I guess the only way to make it go slower is to stay up all day. The beach is in fact the best place to do so and I loved to watch the sunset, well the sunrise this time.

I had been enjoying the view of the ocean from the window for a while debating whether I should stay a little while longer or just go home.

" There you are, what are you doing?" I turned my head back to the host of the party, Erica. She leaned against the door watching and her long braids blew with the wind as she looked at me with concern in her eyes.

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