CHAPTER 12: The Struggle

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Weston POV

Waking up was always a pain in the mornings, but I pushed through the discomfort because I loved soccer. When I was little I watched it with Uncle Alessandro on TV, he is a big fan of the European leagues. When I found out that the school my parents enrolled me in offered soccer lessons, I begged them to sign me up immediately. I always admired strikers, but as it turned out I am very good at goalkeeping. Coach Matthews saw that in middle school and when I started high school I didn't waste any time training for another position.

At breakfast, I learned that Aurora was coming to practice with me. I shot my Mom an annoyed look because I am not a babysitter and I couldn't watch out for her while I was at practice. All of my teammates were like sharks and as soon as they saw her, they were going to pounce. I just hope me and my brothers can convince our parents to enroll Rory in an all-girl school instead of the academy we all went to. Those rich kids were like vultures and she was too innocent for them. Plus it wouldn't hurt if she was away from boys for at least a few years, I could live with that. Hell, Dad could definitely be persuaded by this argument, so I filed that away for later.

The drive there was short and I couldn't help but strategize. I need to get to the others before Rory. It helps that she is sleeping right now because I can get out faster and warn some fuckers not to talk to my sister. When the car stopped I quickly opened my door and looked through the driver's side window at Mom. "Could you stall Rory for a while? I need to warn some of my idiot teammates to behave." Of course, Mom thought it was funny. She laughed and said "You do know she will have to face teenage boys at some point. Preferably sooner, so she doesn't get heartbroken or worse." No! Just NO! No heartbreaks for Rory, no boys of any kind. We were shits anyway. "I'll wake her up, you have a few minutes to warn them. I do agree she needs the experience, but your teammates aren't the sophisticated gentlemen their parents thought they raised. We both know that."

I was grateful for her help, so I ran as fast as I could to the locker rooms. Good thing Faraday isn't here to spread unnecessary rumors. "Yo King, guess what's blowing up the team chat?" One of my teammates asked me as soon as he saw me. I had no idea what he was talking about since I hadn't looked at the team chat yet. "No idea Mercer." He got his phone out of his pocket and scrolled. I was fuming. Fucking Seth! He took a picture of my sister in our home. I'm going to pulverize him when he gets back. Another one of my mates saw me and exclaimed "Is it true? Is she really your sister?"

I unloaded my equipment bags next to my locker and stepped on the bench, so I had everyone's attention. "My sister is none of your concerns shitheads. I dare even one of you to look at her the wrong way and not only are you going to feel my fist, but I'll also call in my brothers. She is off-limits to each and every one of you." I made sure my expression told them what would happen if they messed up, even if they didn't hear my words.

The coach told her to stay and watch on the bleachers during practice. I swear every one of those idiots was looking at her more than half of the time instead of actually practicing. They were getting on my nerves. It was almost noon when practice ended and after the coach's speech, I was starving and irritated. I loved Rory, but she couldn't come with me to practice anymore because my teammates were pigs and sooner or later they were going to say something I would punch them for.

Mom suggested we go for food, but I knew she would want to finish unloading the truck beforehand, so I suggested we help her. We helped unload the back of the truck, while Mom talked to the priest. Father Delancy called me over "Weston, I haven't seen you here for years. How have you been?" Of course, he hadn't seen me there. I stopped going to church with my parents after the car crash where Ash was injured. Why should I continue going after my brother almost died?

No one protected him and he was in a hospital for weeks. My faith kind of diminished after that. The doctors weren't optimistic, but I saw who helped my brother. It wasn't God, it was a woman. A beautiful blonde woman. She touched my brother's head in the hospital room and when I saw her she smiled at me and put a finger over her lips. That was the night before Asher woke up. Our parents didn't say anything, but I knew. I was afraid if I told someone about her she would reverse whatever she did, so I kept quiet.

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