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She awoke without a breath.

For so long she had been inhaling nothing but smoke and brimstone—yet now, it seemed she was not breathing at all. In fact, it seemed as though breathing was not even necessary.

Then again, had it ever really been necessary for her? Or had she just gotten so used to it, living among the children of men?

No—that wasn't important. All that mattered was that she was free.

And apparently, she was home.

The entity found that she was kneeling on the cold, hard, dusty ground of the lesser light, her gaze pointed toward the greater light in the distance and the footstool of her Maker before it. Cracks of darkness were breaking open over six points on the Earth, and two rippling green rifts wrapped around the planet like rings.

Tears welled in her eyes. Why? Why was she here? Why was she free? After what she'd done, hadn't she deserved the Pit?


The entity took in a silent gasp as two others appeared before her. They were terrifyingly familiar, and for a moment she wondered if this was part of her torment: to be set free for a fleeting moment, only to return to punishment moments later.

"Fear not," one of the other entities told her in a calm, commanding tone. "You are free, for your Father has shown you mercy."

"Hear the Word of the Lord, you who were made to bear His Peace," the second entity declared, his voice reassuring. "Seek your Maker and the face of His Son. Believe in Him as you did before, and it will go well with you. You shall bring His Peace upon the Earth once more, and when Heaven and Earth pass away, you shall enter into everlasting life."

"Turn aside neither to the right nor the left," the first ordered, "lest you suffer everlasting punishment and separation from the Almighty because of your sin. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and you shall have rest."

The entity lowered her head, her wide eyes now fixed on the ground.

She thought of all that she had done in her own name—all the chaos and madness she'd wrought on the Earth. She thought of how she had fallen in with the wicked, how she had utterly betrayed her original purpose and corrupted herself to the core.

She thought of the dream, when she'd been ripped from the Pit and manipulated against her will. She remembered her crippling fear, her immense regret, the mind-numbing realization that her actions came with painful consequences.


The entity slowly and shakily stood on her feet, not daring to look at the angels before her.

"Second chances such as these are scarcely given," the first—Michael—warned. "You know the way you should go. Follow the path of righteousness, and it shall go well with you." He turned and pointed his sword at the Earth. "Now answer the call, Peace—and keep the Safe Havens safe."

The entity kept her head bowed as the archangel spread his wings and rose upward, vanishing in a flash of light.

The second angel—Gabriel—pointed to the north and said, "Make haste. Your troops await their orders in the Mare Serenitas. Be restored, and restore harmony on Earth." He spread his own wings and began to rise, finishing, "Such is the TRUE will of the Lord."

And then he, too, was gone.

The entity turned in the direction Gabriel had pointed, finally lifting her head to look into the distance. The chaotic black swirls in her eyes dissipated, vanishing entirely and leaving a soft yellow glow in their place.

From the Mare Serenitas, which lay on the moon's horizon, a chorus of distant moans resounded.

The creature once known as "KayCee" smiled sadly. "Thank you, Maker," she murmured. "I promise... I will bring peace."

She turned again, facing the Earth as a host of flickering yellow lights began to appear behind her.

"I will keep the Safe Havens safe..."


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