Chapter 7

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*(I may rewrite this book after I finish it, because I sorta want to pace it better? I'm slightly speeding because I don't want y'all to get bored etc. And be like where's all the 'butcher & y/n action'? But enough of my ranting, let's get on with the book)*

Two weeks have passed since Wally's escape.

Your mind was etched with worry and anxiety the whole time.

You knew you probably wouldn't see him again *it was unlikely* but you just couldn't shake this bad feeling away, it was causing you to become paranoid.

There were so many unanswered questions, one being on how he escaped in the first place?! He was under high security and on top of that on the second most secure level!!

The articles never said anything about the way or how he escaped, no matter how much you tried to research it, in the end nothing would come up.

You twirled a pen in your hand thinking, you had just gotten off with a client.

Your brain was swirling with thoughts but none were about the client though.

They were about Wally.

You tap your hand on the desk rhythmically in deep thought.

It was a mystery and you were losing more sleep because of it.

Your hand stops tapping and instead moves across the desk finding his file that was lossless displayed on it.

You pull it in front of you, looking down at it leaning your elbow on the table.

You look at the front page of the file then flip to the next. You didn't know what you were looking for, maybe you were just looking to pass the time? You really didn't know yourself.

You stayed like this for several minutes before you look up to see Ester putting another cup of coffee down on the desk. It was the fourth one of today.

You notice a slightly worried expression on your assistants' usually calm and collected face.

Your assistant would probably never say it but she had grown to care about her young boss over the time spent together.

She knew you had always been struggling *sometimes showing more often on other days* but she never voiced her concerns not wanting to budge into unknown territory.

She didn't know of your past or your background and you didn't offer anything on it either so she never pushed.

But since working with you for about a year now she has been able to pick up on some of your habits. Like your lack of eating, and sleeping.

She also made a note of how much you drank coffee, so she made sure to not make it with too much caffeine not wanting your heart to stop.

She knew you disliked your job and couldn't help but wonder why get a license / go to school in the first place for the career since you disliked it so much.

The scary part though was that you had such talent in this field.

When she first started working with you she held slight resentment and didn't understand how someone so young could be in this field not seeming to have gone through the full years of college for both careers. It would've taken a normal person 9-18 to get both licenses but when Ester found out y/n got both in a mid of 1-2 years she was shocked.

She at first wondered if the people of the school made a mistake but as she got to know y/n and see them work she knew they didn't make a mistake. She was a genius.

No matter how much she denied it she was.

Her math skills do need a bit of work though-..

Ester wanted to help you no matter how she could. She wasn't friends with you or anything but what was wrong with worrying about your well being?

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