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(Second update because I am happy today.)


Sleep has been a stranger this week. But it was worth it. My exams went well and I am happy to finally be graduated. I guess King's wishes and pen showed its magic. When I was leaving for college two bulky men cornered me. I won't lie, I was so scared. After asking them, I realised they were here to collect the monthly dues. I had the money but in the bank. In the stress of my exams, I forgot to withdraw it. I offered to draw them a cheque, but they were adamant to pay in cash. I even offered to pay tomorrow but they weren't ready to listen to anything. One of them was about to hit me when Mark came.

Mark is a sweet man. King appointed him as my driver but he is like a good friend to me. He speaks less but is a patient listener.

Mark asked me to go to the college otherwise I would be late. I was hesitant but he said he would handle it here. I glanced at the watch on my wrist and realised that if I didn't leave now, I'd miss this exam. So I left in a cab. I just hope these men don't trouble Mark. Fingers crossed.

As I got back after my exam, Mark was waiting for me. I feel bad for using office resources for my personal use but both Mark and King assured me that it's no problem. I sat in the car and asked Mark about the situation in the morning. He vaguely replied,
"It's taken care of."

I have my last exam on Monday and I'll be going office on Tuesday.


On Monday evening, an uninvited guest visited me.

I got my periods.

I don't have a regular cycle, they come mostly once in two months. But when it does come, it hurts like hell. I have no option, I can't even ask for any leave after taking leave for an entire week. I had no strength to cook so like the rest of the week I didn't have anything for dinner today as well.

This week I was so stressed that I barely managed to cook and eat one meal only. I know it's not healthy but I'll eat properly from now on, I promised myself.

I was feeling so miserable today, that I don't know how I will even work today at the office. I had such a bad stomach ache that I didn't sleep for the entire night yesterday.
I was feeling so dizzy.

I went to King to tell him his schedule for today.

"Good morning King."

"Morning Miss Knight. How were your exams."

"Your lucky pen did its magic I guess."

"Haha, it's all your hard work. Are you well, you are looking pale?"

"No I am absolutely fine, it's just been a long week."

"You should have taken proper rest before coming back to work. Anyways go home early today."

"No King I am fine, shall I read you your schedule for today."

He nodded and I told him his schedule. It was so difficult to talk with a smile when it was killing me to even stand straight. But I appreciate the kindness and care of King. I admire him more now.

It's been two hours and I couldn't even complete one file. I was feeling like shit. King has a meeting now and I am expected to tag along. I have no idea how will I manage it. I walked to his cabin.

"Miss Knight, are you done with the files?" Shit!! I am not.

"King I am sorry I will surely finish them at lunchtime."

"It's ok Miss Knight, take it easy. No need to miss lunch, you do it whenever you feel well. Also if you want you can rest instead of coming to the meeting because I know you are not well."

"I'll be fine." I know it's stupid, I should accept his offer and go home. But this place feels more like home to me, I feel safe here. At home, I would feel lonely and depressed, and that's why I am insisting on working.

The meeting was over and though I was supposed to make notes, I didn't even write a word. I just hope King doesn't fire me. I was walking behind him when I felt an unbearable pain in my stomach and black dots filled my vision.
The next moment, everything turned black and I lost my senses.


I hope Ava is fine, when she came in the morning, she looked too pale. She insisted on working, so I can't even send her back home to rest. After the meeting, I was walking ahead of her, I turned to check if she was following or not. But I saw her tightly clutching her stomach she looked like she would faint anytime, so I ran towards her. I was so scared.

I quickly lifted her in my arms and ran towards the lift. I went to my car and sat with her in the back seat while Mark drove. I called the doctor beforehand so he could make the necessary arrangements.

"Mark drive faster," I told him. I was panicking, I shouldn't have listened to her and should have made her rest. Seeing her so pale and lifeless is killing me.

Soon we reached the hospital and I ran inside with her in my arms. The doctor admitted her and ran the tests. About half an hour Doctor came outside the room.

"What happened to my sister? Why she fainted? How is she now?" I rained the questions on the doctor.

"Calm down King, your sister is fine. She fainted because I assumed she wasn't having proper meals and a balanced diet. Was she stressed lately? Moreover, menstruation is also one of the big reasons that she lost consciousness today. You can take her home, once she is awake. Just make sure she eats properly and sleeps well. You can go to her now."

I went inside her room. She was sleeping so peacefully. IV was attached to her left hand. I sat on her right side and held her right hand in mine. I kissed her forehead and couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. I can't see my angel in this condition it breaks me. I want my Ava back. The one who was silly and carefree. I can't let my angel suffer any longer. Wake up princess and be ready for the biggest shock.

 Wake up princess and be ready for the biggest shock

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🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: What's your favourite animated movie?

For me, I can't name one. It's a tough choice.

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