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Once everyone had been seated, all that was left to do was wait.

They had their cousin, who was a tech genius, provide them with footage of all that they'd done to her.

Zade had sent Joffrey to call the other maid while Liam headed to the third floor to get Miriam and Jane.

"Ursula, Beatrice, and Fiona. Follow me."  
Joffrey declared to the maid whom he'd given money to.

"I told you you wouldn't get away with how you treated that child you may have gotten away for a few years, but destiny can only be delayed, not denied." Joffrey looked at them with pure disgust.

As they made their way back upstairs, they met Miriam and Jane, who were walking behind Liam on the third floor holding the tray.

"Young master forgive me for the intrusion, but I couldn't find the young lady anywhere." Miriam said as she recoiled in apprehension.

He didn't say anything, just he just walked over to the door, held the door open, and motioned for them to come inside. They did as he asked.

"Do you know why you're here?" Zade asked, looming over menacingly.

They shook their heads no.

"I'll ask you again. Do you know why you're here?" They all looked at each other and nodded reluctantly.

"Set the food down and cut into it." Dexter ordered.

As Miriam set down the food and cut  into it, sure enough, the outside of the chicken was cooked, but the inside was pink.

"So would you all like to explain?"

They didn't dare say anything. Nothing they said could say would excuse their behavior towards her. So they stayed silent.

"Would you eat that?" Randy pointed towards the dish Miriam and Jane had prepared for Mika to eat.

"No, sir." They both replied.

"Then why would you feed it to her?" He questioned, looking at them calmly though they were all furious.

"We thought you wanted us too." Jane answered her head hung low like the rest of them.

"And why would we? Did we say that?"

No response.

"Answer me." His tone laced with venom.

"No, sir." They said in union.

"You don't care if she died from eating that, do you?" Dexter inquired further.

"We do care about her." Fiona answered, her voice shaking.

"Good." Randy walked over to them and motioned for them to take a seat at the smaller table.

"Eat it." Randy spoke with a resounding confidence that brooked no argument.

They looked at each other around the table.

"Well, you wouldn't want the food to get cold now, would you eat it." He said he was smiling, but anyone could tell he was pissed.

"Ah yes, and before we forget you three, Fiona Beatrice and Ursula, the money Liam gave you  to get her food, where is the food?" Greyson asked though he knew the answer.

"Sir, we haven't bought it yet." Ursula, the oldest, answered.

"And why not? What are you waiting for? For it to buy itself." Joseph questioned.

"No, she forgot we already bought the food." Fiona corrected they could tell that was a lie but let her continue.

"But she just told us You didn't." Zade pointed out.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now