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Hello everyone 🤠,
I'm here with this spicy 🔥🥂chapter.
New events are unfolding.
Hope you all will like it and do comment, share your review please. Let's keep this story alive 🙏🏻.
Let's start it.....

The following day, Adyasha awoke at 4 a.m., her sleepless night haunted by relentless inner demons that refused to grant her respite.
She embarked on her morning routine with a sense of urgency, beginning with a visit to Kirti's room. A faint scent of medicine lingered in the air as she approached Kirti's figure, lying in bed. Adyasha sat beside her, gently clasping her hand and gazing at her sleeping face. "Good morning, maa," she whispered softly, pressing a tender kiss to Kirti's hand.

After a few moments, she quietly made her way to Gauri's room, her heart heavy with apprehension. She knew the ordeal Gauri had endured the previous night would weigh heavily on her.

Noticing Rocco curled up nearby, she joined him, silently watching over both him and Gauri. "I will never let you face this again in this life, ever. Never means never," she vowed silently, her determination unwavering. Her gaze fell upon the marks on Gauri's neck, triggering painful memories from the past. "Don't dwell on it, Adyasha, don't," she reminded herself sternly before rising to her feet.

She made her way to the main door, where Mr. Jha awaited her with the items she had requested. "Put them in Gauri's room quietly," she instructed as Mr. Jha and his team silently carried out her directive.

Returning to the kitchen, Adyasha busied herself preparing a strawberry shake, Gauri's favorite, along with pasta and other dishes that came to mind. Despite her fatigue, she felt a sense of purpose in preparing these meals, determined to convey her love and support to Gauri. " I don't know if she will eat or not but i want her to know i made this all only for her" After completing the preparations, she turned her attention to Rocco, ensuring he was well cared for.

"Good morning, buddy," she greeted him warmly as he approached. They exchanged a hug, and Adyasha couldn't help but express her concern for him. "You're okay, right? Please stay safe, Rocco. I can't bear to see everyone suffering like this – not Kirti maa, not Gauri and certainly not Ishan. I ache to go and check on Ishan," Adyasha lamented, her heart heavy with concern . she confessed, her voice tinged with worry.

Rocco barked softly in response, returning her embrace before enjoying his meal. Adyasha watched him for a moment before issuing him a gentle command. "Rocco, go for a little walk with the guards, okay?" she requested, seeking his compliance.

Rocco glanced at her with a resigned expression before nodding and heading off with the guards as requested.

Adyasha's heart shattered at the sound of Gauri's cries, driving her to sprint towards Gauri's room with urgency. As she entered, she found Gauri curled up like a fragile shell, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Approaching gently, Adyasha reached out, softly calling her name, "Gauri."But Gauri's response was a piercing shriek, "Don't touch me!"Adyasha recoiled, her own breath catching in her throat as she withdrew her hand, whispering, "It's me, Gauri. Adyasha."

Gauri's sobs only grew louder, her words tumbling out in anguish, "Leave me alone! Go away!""I called for you, but you didn't come," she choked between sobs. "No one came. They... they touched me everywhere. I feel... I feel dirty and disg-usting."

A solitary tear trickled down Adyasha's cheek, her heart breaking at Gauri's words.But she refused to let despair consume them, gently murmuring, "No, hush. They didn't do anything. Listen to me. I arrived just in time, saved my baby, and made them pay."

Drawing Gauri into a tight embrace, despite her protests, Adyasha held on firmly. "Don't... don't touch me. You'll become dirty too," Gauri pleaded."

Shh, no," Adyasha insisted, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're not dirty. You're my pure little baby."With tender care, Adyasha brushed away Gauri's tears, her own eyes reflecting the pain they shared. "Nothing happened. I didn't let it happen. Trust me please."

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