Mollybasketrabbit and Sarahsobroke (OOC??)

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(Molly and Sarah were walking on the sidewalk)

Molly: Well um.. What are you doing this weekend?

Sarah: Ehh.. Nothing really And you?

Molly: Gonna what a movie later? Wanna come?

Sarah: I mean yeah why not! I dont have anything to do this weekend!

Molly: Oh yay!

Sarah: What are you watching though?

Molly: Hmmm.. Im not sure yst? You can chose

Sarah: Cool cool!

(They come to a crossroad and stand)
(Molly puts her hands in her pockets)

Molly:Wanna... Get Coffee?

Sarh: Yeah :]

Molly: Youre paying!

Sarah: Hey!

(Molly and sarah walk while laughing)

Sarah: You suck (says teasingly)

Molly: Youve done worse!

Sarah: yeah, yeah, whatever. (She chuckles)

(they go to the coffee shop and they get their coffee)
(Mollys notifications go off 5 times)

(Molly and stares at each other while molly looks at the phone)

Molly: sigh. Let me just (she turns off do not disturb)

Sarah: Soo Have you figured put what movie? I wanna watch Hamilton

Molly: you just chose so yes I guess

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