CHAPTER 13: The Miracle

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Isabella POV

My feet felt frosty on the hospital floor. I had no idea they were so cold until today. I suppose you learn something new every day. I never expected that delivering donations to the church would lead me to this place. Karma has a sick sense of humor. Since we moved here after college I have been in this hospital as a patient and family member of patients two times and both of them were the worst of my life.

The first one was when I had to come in for a D&C after I had a miscarriage. I barely wanted to breathe but was told I had to do it. The second was when my youngest boys were little and a car crashed into ours on the highway. My husband was driving them back from summer camp. James and Weston weren't seriously injured, but Asher took the brunt of the damage. He was in a coma for more than two weeks. After that, I vowed never to experience something like that again. I spectacularly failed and here we are again.

We just arrived and the doctors were examining Aurora in the ER. I knew this was one of the best hospitals in the area. Our family donated a lot to ensure they had all the necessary resources during and every year after the car accident. They would do everything in their power to save her. The nurses helped me get Wes to the VIP room, so he could rest there. I knew almost all of the staff here because I did all my direct care hours in this place for my nursing degree. While I sometimes still volunteered, I wasn't working as a full-time nurse.

I needed to get out of my own head. I had a lot of things to do. James and the kids will need me. It's good that my parents are in town for now. We could use their help. First, I sent the SOS code word we used and my location in the chat with my brother. I texted my parents too and told them what happened and which hospital we were in. I needed to call and tell James over the phone. My finger hovered over the call button... What do I even say? As the call went to voice mail, I dialed again. I couldn't give him details now... he needed to drive here safely and this would distract him too much.

"Amore, what is it we are in a client meeting?" I didn't bother sugarcoating but also didn't give him any details. They could have as much information as they wanted after they got here without any car incidents. "We had to come to St. Ita, there was an accident. You need to get the boys and come here. I already have Wes." I hung up after that because I wasn't strong enough not to break down and tell him over the phone.

Alessandro and my parents came first, they must have been at the restaurant my brother owned nearby. I debriefed them quickly and sat in the waiting area. My brother was already making phone calls and my Mom put her hands around me in a reassuring hug. I am sure Aless was going to find out what he could about that driver and find him, so I needed to focus.

James came bursting through the door with Mateo trailing him. He saw us and immediately headed our way. "What is it? Why is everyone here?" I stood up and went to him placing my hands on his cheeks. My eyes were already watered, I couldn't help my reaction. I hated delivering bad news to my love. It was like hurting my own soul. "There was an accident at church today, everyone is alive, but Aurora was brought in and the doctors are assessing her injuries now." His eyes widened and he looked toward the ER entrance. 

I got them to sit down to explain everything that happened. Mateo was silently stewing, he didn't like to display his anger loudly compared to Weston, who just exploded without delay. They both looked toward my brother, who was still on the phone. He nodded at them and continued his conversation. "Where is Ash? Didn't you pick him up?" Mateo answered me first "He was home all day, we told him to come alone since we were closer and it didn't make sense to double back and pick him up.

Hours passed and Ash finally arrived. He was so worried for his sister. Out of all my sons, he was the most emotional one. Weston woke up and I had to apologise to him. I didn't want to give him a sedative, but he wasn't acting rationally. It's understandable. While the doctor was giving us an update after the nurses wheeled Aurora into the room, Weston suddenly burst through the door and the force slammed it shut after he left. I frowned and was about to go after him, but Ash put a hand on my shoulder. "I got this Mom. Take care of Dad." And so I did. All we could do was wait. I wasn't good at waiting, but I did.

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