37. On The Way

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Two weeks passed like a year. Nicolas was out of danger, thanks to God because I didn't want him dead or in a coma. Alfredo and Amelie, the doctors of the crime family, told Nicolas not to get back to work for another two weeks. They suggested he stay on proper bed rest.

Today the doctors finally released Nicolas from the hospital and we were getting ready to go to his house. In the two weeks, I used to meet Nicolas every day. For the first three days, he was unconscious but then started getting better on account of better observation.

Helping the handsome Hulk with his shirt was so difficult for me. His tattooed, naked chest was so hot to look at nowhere but it. The sexy look he was giving me, was silently killing me. I was trying to keep myself calm but Nicolas was giving me no room to calm down.

"Stop touching me, Nicolas! Or I'll slap you on your wound." I hissed when he ran his thumb on my erect nipple.

"Ouch!" He pouted and grinned like a child, and, girl was it attractive.

I quickly started buttoning his shirt but once again my eyes landed on his hard chest and torso. They were so lick-able and the thought made me lick my bottom lips. If he wasn't injured, I would definitely not miss the chance.

"Like what you see, gattina?" He smirked mischievously, pulling me out of my thoughts, and then I understood I was staring at his naked chest shamelessly.

I blushed and finished buttoning his shirt as soon as possible. Noticing my embarrassment, Nicolas let out a soft chuckle, making me blush more.

A few minutes later, we made it outside of the hospital. A few cars were parked there. Stephen and Victor were talking with some of their men. Mariano and Alex walked toward us.

"How are you feeling, bro?" Mariano asked Nicolas.

"Feeling better. Tell me about the German shipment." Nick said in a serious tone.

"Oh, come on. You don't have to worry about it. Everything's going smoothly. Right now you should worry about one thing and it's your health." Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Where's Valentino?" Nicolas asked ignoring Alex.

"He's in Russia for a business deal. Will be back within a few weeks." Mariano replied with a small sigh.

After a few word exchanges, everyone made their way to their cars and so Nicolas and I. Grover opened the doors for us to get in and then he also got into the car before starting the engine.

"Do you think your boss is mad at you?" I asked Nicolas.

"He is. I was never as careless as this one. If I die, his business will face a crisis as I'm the one who brought him this place today. Though I believe my team members and Stephen would be a great leader too." Nicolas replied with a deep breath.

"God, are you guys insane? You're about to die but he was thinking about his business? How heartless!" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Well, this is the mafia. No one cares about you unless it's business. At the end of the day, our death is written in someone's hand. Our lives and our thoughts are not like normal people. We're all heartless." Nicolas finished with a low music-akin chuckle.

I looked at him for a few moments. Whenever I landed my eyes on him, his dazzling beauty enthralled me every time. How came a Greek God akin man had no happiness, love, tranquility, security, and warmth in his life? Of his celestial but intimidating aura, people would never know how dilapidated he was from the inside.

"Don't you want a family?" I suddenly asked.

He snapped his head towards me like I hit his freshly bandaged wound.

Dark Chemistry | 18+ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora