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velzard:..of course...your always OUR prey..

rimuru:..ugh...<whispers: if only i could escape>

luminous: what are you thinking about?

rimuru:.. n-nothing..

velgrynd: right..

rimuru:..ehe..really nothing.

velzard: alright we believe you.

velgrynd/luminous: *nods*

rimuru: uh...i think its fair to give uh... ramiris and veldora a Visit!...

velgrynd:..hm why?

rimuru: w-well... veldora is my besr friend! its normal i visit him :D

luminous:..right, thats common sense best friends usually visits each other but why those that breeze dragon not visit you?

rimuru: well...he is scared of...vel-chan and velz chan..



velgrynd:....veldora?..scared of us? FOR WHAT REASON!?

velzard:*angry at veldora*..

rimuru: uh well he used to tell me that you guys did bad education to him well i dont know what that is but he said that whenever he gets naughty or lack of manner you guys smac-

velzard:..*covers rimuru's mouth*...ri-chan...did he really tell you that?..

rimuru: *nods*

velgrynd: i see...then i guess we should visit veldora..

luminous: *know what theyre planning..*...ohoh...i wanna join..that dragon destroyed my nation 300 years ago..

velzard/velgrynd: is that so..then i guess he needs a little visit..*menacing smile.*

rimuru:...<i pray for your life veldora..>...(veldora! your in great danger! your sisters and luminous are gonna visit and give you bad education! good luck sworn friend!)


veldora:...(veldora! your in great danger! your sisters and luminous are gonna visit and give you bad education! good luck sworn friend!)
veldora: !?<a thought communication from rimuru?...w-what? my sisters!?>

Rimuru: (they already came...)


*2 piercing auras came and 2 demon lord aura came*...

veldora,: ohh nooo im doomed!! if only i dint tell rimuru that!!

rimuru: ehe..hello..uh.. veldora!..dont worry buddy ill prepare a good looking grave for ya!...

velzard/velgrynd: *menacing smile*..

veldora: n-n-nee-chan..

velzard: hello... veldora..you got some explaining to do.

velgrynd: how dare you teach our little ri-chan that things..

veldora:..what? who is ri-chan..i dont remember meeting him..

luminous: baka!(baka is idiot in Japanese or Chinese or whatever.)

veldora: whatt?? i dont know him??

velzard: ..*sighs*...

rimuru: eheh sorry veldora..but thats what they call me,...ri-chan, rim-chan, rimu-kun and other stuffs...so yeah..just nicknames...ill still pray for you :))

ramiris:..ehe now now you three go and punish veldora...me and rimuru will do spirit summoning!..*scared to be punished to so he sacrificed veldora*

velzard: very well..lets go..*drags veldora*

velgrynd: mhm.*dragging veldora*

luminous: how amusing..*drags veldora to*

the three ladies PUNISHED veldora.
meanwhile rimuru and ramiris

ramiris: so rimuru? do you know spirit summoning??

rimuru: no?

ramiris: very well, you will just concentrate and call for a spirit!

rimuru: right.

rimuru tried and a manas came

ramiris: what?? this isn't supposed to happend??, a manas!? what for???

rimuru: eh?? its coming towards me??

ramiris: watch out!

ramiris: watch out!

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*chronoa dissapeared*

ramiris:....uh...i think your dead to rimuru..

rimuru: why!?

Ramiris:..look there!

rimuru: *looks there*..

velgrynd/velzard/luminous:..hm...*menacing smile..*..

velzard: a manas i see...

luminous: indeed...im guessing that was chronoa...

velgrynd: i see...

rimuru: ehh?? ITs not my fault!!

luminous: looks like our visit is done lets head back..

rimuru: eh?? you too lumi-chan!?


velzard: indeed lets go back..*menacing smile*

rimuru: wait wait wait!! velgrynd?? save mee?? i beg youu!

velgrynd: oho?..no..sorry..ri-chan..*picks up rimuru*

rimuru:(im doomed!!! raphael-san help mee!!)

<<... noticed: raphael is not available>>

rimuru: (COME ONNN!!)...(im doomed...)..p-please? its not my fault...

luminous....its your fault..you let her. kiss you..

rimuru: what? i dint? i couldn't move BECAUSE i froze..

velzard: HMP! we don't care! now lets get back

rimuru: e-ehh?? l-lumi chan?...help me pleaseeee

luminous:..you cant sorry..

the three heads back with rimuru

velzard: so..for being a bad boy..looks like a punishment is good enough..

luminous:..oho...how about let him wear...(???)

velgrynd/velzard: great idea..

rimuru:...<ohh noo im doomedd!>


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