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"What you looking at?" Harmoni asked Dylani as they sat on FaceTime while she sat in her car outside the gas station. They were in the middle of texting when Harmoni informed him of her going to the gas station and it was currently 11pm.

"Texting somebody." Dylani spoke as he too sat in his car. He was doing yet another job for Rich and he was patiently waiting for Harmoni to leave the gas station so he could get it out of the way.

Harmoni just hummed in response as she walked into the gas station. She waited in line patiently as she watched a group of men walk in. Moving up in the line Harmoni smiled softly.

"Hey, can i get two bottles of the pineapple Amsterdam?" Harmoni asked.


Harmoni gladly took out her id and showed it to the cashier and they gladly grabbed the alcohol before ringing it up.

"You went to the gas station at 11 to get liquor?" Dylani asked amused.

"Yeah, i told you i was going out."

"The hell you going this late?" He asked. He wasn't trying to get in her business but it was dangerous at night time.

"Mel invited me out with her and her friends." Harmoni informed. "She said i been working too hard."

"Don't you gotta' get up in the morning?" He asked knowing the fundraiser was still in play.

"Yeah, ima' get up. Are you concerned about me Lani?" Harmoni smirked as she handed the woman her card.

"I was just asking." Dylani shrugged and Harmoni rolled her eyes. Harmoni knew she took a liking to Dylani but she didn't feel like it was vice versa so she just played it safe.

"Where are you? Look like you in the car."

"I am." He spoke.

"I forgot you're an night owl." She playfully rolled her eyes as she got her things from the cashier. "Oh excuse me im sorry." Harmoni apologized once she bumped into someone.

"You good ma." The man assured as he licked over his lips. "You need me walk you to your car?"

"No, im okay thank you though."

"You sure?" He asked and Harmoni nodded her head before walking outta' the store as Dylani sat listening attentively.

Harmoni looked down at her phone to see Dylani staring at her making her shake her head. "Why you staring at me like that?"

"Tryna' make sho you straight." He answered. She nodded her head as she walked back to her car. Once she got in she cracked open the bottle before taking sum as she shook her head. "The fuck."

"Gotta' pre-game." Harmoni said with a laugh.

"Type of alcoholic shit you got going?"

"Boy i barely drink please. But when i do drink, trust i drink." Harmoni spoke with a shrug.

"You need to be careful." He warned and she tilted her head to the side at him.

"Im grown Lani, i am. If not i'll have you on speed dial."

"Don't let it get to that." He spoke lowly with a double meaning behind it.

"Lame." Harmoni sighed. "Well i'll call you tomorrow."

"Aight, be safe." Lame?

"You too." Was the last thing Harmoni said before she hung up the phone. She put in the directions in her gps to the club Mel sent her and instantly frowned. "This shit far."

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