(20) Into The Night

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Daphne and Titus returned home without incident, in the cheerful—and purely coincidental—company of the two Witches they'd met on their first stay at the rest-stop. These dropped Daphne off into the waiting arms of her grandparents, who hugged her like she would evaporate at any moment. But they had to let go eventually, and then the whirlwind began.

Bella was glad Daphne had support from her grandparents for writing letters to the Covens in Nerium, her most direct line of communication to the upper levels of Witchcraft regulation, from which Bryony's trial and sentence would extend. Daphne was excused from school for a week to process what had happened, time she spent busily decoding the rest of Bryony's notebook and taking copious notes. Her homework lay neglected beside her. Bella eyed the growing stack every time she checked in, then sighed and decided not to comment.

Then there were testimonials to give, evidence to deliver, potion-samples to surrender, and—for Bella and Titus—a brief stint in Bryony's house under Coven protection until Bryony's whereabouts could be confirmed. The news didn't come back for more than a week. Bryony had made it almost to the mountains, traveling light and fast, exchanging services for goods along the way as she ran out of money. The Covens dispatched guards to intercept her. Bella stopped listening to the new updates after that.

Bryony's house, absent its human inhabitant, was no place for familiars to stay long-term. Daphne negotiated with the investigation team to bring Titus to live with her. Bella was refused a similar arrangement by the Covens, though her stricter house arrest proved looser than anticipated. She spent most of her days at Daphne's place regardless, and quietly welcomed the distraction. Titus took to practically living on and under Daphne's duvet. He said he was just tired. Bella suspected the self-imposed hermitage had more to do with Charles' relentless enthusiasm for making friends, and near-complete lack of knowledge on how to actually do so.

Bryony made it to the base of the mountains before the Covens caught up to her. She turned herself in.

Three years' jail time for abuse of magical creatures, and a lost license to practice, in perpetuity. Bella perched on the other side of the trial room, avoiding Bryony's eye. Her only consolation was that Bryony did the same.

Coming home that night, the house felt a different kind of empty.

A knock on the door startled Bella from a sound sleep. She lifted her head, gripping her perch in Bryony's living room, within sight of the door. Night had fallen outside, but the bobbing lanterns of townsfolk indicated sunset was not far behind them. The knock came again. Bella glided to the nearest front window to peek out. People from the Covens rarely visited this late unless urgent news had to be delivered, but the person on Bryony's front step wasn't any of them. Bella would recognize that tall, scrawny figure anywhere.

She tapped the glass. Daphne startled, then tramped through the thickening snow to peek in the window's other side. She waved when she saw Bella, then grinned and held up something that twinkled in the light of the pale pink Witch-light she was carrying. A key.

Bella frowned. "You're not supposed to be here."

At least they could hear each other through the glass. "Yes I am," said Daphne. She dug in her pocket and came up with a rumpled piece of paper with writing too small to read from here. "The Covens gave me the key and sent me. Can I come in?"

"If you have the key, just let yourself in."

"I wanted to make sure I wasn't trespassing."

Bella couldn't really argue with that. She did appreciate the thoughtfulness. "Then come," she said. "It looks cold out there."

Daphne tramped back to the front door and let herself in. Snow tumbled from her winterwear as she shook herself off, then shook again, an exaggerated shiver. "I always forget how hard it snows out here."

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