1307: The Career Path of a Posthuman in Modern Society

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You could take selfies and edit pictures, engage in text-based social interactions, play offline games, and watch news updates... but no internet. All data transmission seemed to be done through mobile signals. Lin Sanjiu didn't understand the technical knowledge, but she figured it should be similar to sending text messages. This also meant that information transmission was mostly one-way.

"You can still watch TV shows?" she asked, surprised as she watched Wu Lun open a TV show on her computer. "Where did the show come from without the internet?"

The beauty advisor seemed convinced that she was dealing with a lunatic. Perhaps because Lin Sanjiu didn't seem like a violent lunatic, she gradually gained courage, and her tears stopped.

"I... I rented this from the library; you can also buy it from video stores and bookstores," she said cautiously. She picked up her phone, saying carefully, "Um, I can show you... but can you wait a moment? I... I need to use the restroom."

She tightly clutched her phone and stood up, trying to put on a calm face. Lin Sanjiu felt sorry for this girl; it seemed like even Wu Lun herself couldn't believe she had managed to go to the bathroom without incident. She glanced at Lin Sanjiu before hurriedly closing the door. After a while, a low and hurried voice came from inside, indistinct amidst the flowing water.

This was the reaction of a normal person in society.

A normal person would relinquish their right to use force and let a specialized force maintain order and govern them. Lin Sanjiu once thought this was normal, but when she thought about it again, she found it unacceptable. Without power in her own hands, it was not truly hers; since it was not her power, how could she trust it, let it take care of her, and entrust herself to it?

When Wu Lun returned, the two acted as if nothing had happened and sat down to watch the news for a while. The girl was still too nervous; when she came out, she only remembered to turn off the faucet but forgot to flush the toilet.

About ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

"They're here!" Wu Lun's composure shattered, and her voice almost broke with excitement. She rushed to the door and opened it.

Two men in blue uniforms looked around as they walked in, asking her, "Did you call the police?"

"Yes! Some lunatic followed me home," Wu Lun said, turning her head, "I don't know her, and..."

The room was empty, with only a slight indentation on the sofa.

The police stared at her. "A lunatic? Where?"

"B-but she was just here."

This was a narrow single room without a balcony, less than thirty square meters, where one could see the entire room at a glance: a single bed placed at one end of the rectangular room, against the wall; on the side facing the door, there was a small sofa. Wu Lun looked under the bed and up at the ceiling, not as if she were looking for a crazy woman but more like she was looking for cockroaches. "Strange, she was here just before."

"Young people must be under a lot of work pressure and getting nightmares," the older man said, taking out a pen. "What's your name? Let me register you. It's for your own good. False alarms are not allowed, you know. If this happens again, you will be held liable."

Wu Lun stood up, her expression ugly. "I-I'm not, really, I didn't lie to you... she jumped off the bus and followed me home."

The last sentence successfully chased away the two police officers.

After they left, Wu Lun stood in the room dumbfounded, unable to regain her senses. "How could she disappear," she murmured to herself. The only window was blocked by thick anti-theft wire mesh, impossible to get out; behind the door, under the bed, in the bathroom... there was simply no one.

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