38. Back To Her Country

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Our life is so unpredictable and perplexing. Our peace and happiness are not always long-lasting. In our unpredictable life everything is temporary, isn't it?

And my happiness with Nicolas was also temporary though I wanted it to last forever.

My little brain wasn't working the moment I left Nicolas as I was standing between the two hellholes.

The car stopped in front of a hotel. I was in a crying mess. I could feel my mascara and eyeliner smeared all over my face.

Uncle Jacob took my hand and led me inside the hotel. In the morning, we had to face the embassy so that he could take me back in my country.

After muttering a small 'good night' to uncle Jacob, I entered the room and laid down on the bed. I felt numb.

Was I doing the right thing? Would I be able to forget Nicolas? Hell, no. I didn't want to forget him.

Then I understood, I need to talk to my parents. If I told them that Nicolas wasn't the man what he's looking like, they'd surely understand. My family was very strict and what Nicolas did had made them pissed off but they would surely understand my love for Nicolas. But things would get very hard and earning forgiveness from them would be very hard.

I took a long breath and stood up on my feet. After taking a shower, I wore my previous clothes as everything happened so suddenly and I had no spare clothes.

The room service left my food in my room and the smell of delicious aroma made my stomach growl.

After finishing the food and turning of the lights, I lay down on the soft bed.

I couldn't stop thinking about Nicolas. What was he doing, did he successfully escaped, did he get another shot or the police got him and his men? No. They had fallen in this kind of situation many times, right? They surely escaped.

I wondered how would I manage to impress my parents about Nicolas? They surely would be mad. But for now, I had to be strong. I couldn't break down like this.

I thought and thought until sleep evaded me.


In the morning, a police car escorted us from the hotel and drove us to the Bangladesh embassy in Italy.

After all the paperwork, we again found ourselves in the same hotel. Uncle Jacob bought two flight tickets for us and the Rome police assured us that they'd give us the security so that Nicolas couldn't reach us until the flight took off.

At 2 AM, we got ready to catch the flight. I wasn't happy at all but I had to fix everything. Everything was messed up from my parents side and I had to tell them everything.

After changing two flights and a long ten hours journey, we finally reached our country. I was excited to see my family but also sad to think that I'm thousands of miles away from Nicolas.

A police car escorted us from the airport and drove us to home.

A huge nostalgia crushed over me when I got out of the car and stood on the very familiar street in front of my home. I couldn't explain how much I missed my home and the moment I spent with my family.

Ellerie and Nova ran toward the gate from the garden when they saw me. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

"Natalia!" Both Ellerie and Nova screamed my name before jumping on me.

"Oh, babies!" I leaned down and hugged them tightly.

"Natalia! You're back! I missed you, sis!" Ellerie exclaimed.

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