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Estella's pov

WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON? Well looks like ima die...
Why am I still here who the fuck are these men why are the so fucking tall for??

These fuckers broke my windows why

"Uh..Adam u sure we got the right place?"
The guy on the right asked

"Um...I think so go call him" the guy on the left said

I was hiding in a corner scared the fuck are they doing here what did I ever fucking do get out!!

"Fuck! It's not the right place who are u?" The guy on the right asked

"E-Estella Fillop" stupid ass stutter

"Mhm....." the guy on the left said

"Yes boss...I think this is her daughter yes sir" the guy
On the right shot me a pissed off look the hell did I do to you

"Boss said she'll have to do for now.." The guy on the left said

The guy on the right said "hi are u gonna..scream...or..cry....or we could do this the easy way??" He asked

I rolled my eyes and got up.

They shoved me in a black van


They brought me to a big ass fucking house why is it so big for????!

They put there finger on a pad and typed in a code the big metal doors opened

They both pushed me in fucking stop assholes!

They pushed me into a tall buff, handsome looking man. The man looked down on me and said "hi" He said with a grin

I kinda just looked around and waved at him with an unbotherd face

"Words" He said
With a straight face he looked really tense

"...hi" I said quietly

"Boss what do we do with her?" The guy on the right asked

"...I don't know mabey killing her?"

"Please don't kill me I'm to fucking afraid of Dieing!!" I blurted out

I instantly coverd my mouth

The man looked down at me and said "...I'll let her stay alive...but if u do one wroung move don't think I won't shoot u in the fucking head" He scoffed at the end

I nodded

The guy on the right led me upstairs to my room "this is where u will be staying also my name is Adam ALSO I'm not a rapest person ok ok? So I'm not going to touch u, and I respect women, so yea, have a nice stay, " He said with a soft smile and left

I shut the door and panicked addimaticly triggerd my hole body

...what do u even do I tried to open the window fuck it doesn't open...I don't know what to fucking do?

I saw a bathroom no window..wow..
I saw some close in the draws and closet ...guess these are mine...I took a shower washes myself up I put on a black t-shirt with black sweatpants to match with it why is it so soft jeez

I sat on my bed just still panicking through my body. I looked around the room looking for something that could help. I found absolutely nothing great...

Somone knocked on the doors. I didn't do anything. Adam said on the other side of the door. "Hey Cade wants to see you in his office."

I responded, "ok.."

I opened the door and Adam led me to his office. I opened the door and said "...yea??" I asked I opened the door fully so he can see me

He pointed at a seat demanding me to sit down

I sat in a chair he was on the other side of his desk and said "listen here Estella you will be staying here I guess you could say I kidnapped you but uh...there will be a party going on tonight I need to to be ready now go" He pointed at the door I left

And did as he said
I searched and searched and finally found a dress I put it on

And did as he said I searched and searched and finally found a dress I put it on

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I put on a pink short dress
I didn't know how to dress properly I did my make up and my nails I went downstairs.

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