1312: Lin Sanjiu Tricks Children and Steals Manhole Covers

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[Full Title] 1312: Lin Sanjiu, the Light of a Posthuman, Tricks Children and Steals Manhole Covers

Lin Sanjiu faced two choices: hide in the museum until closing time to begin exploring, or leave now and then sneak back in at nighttime.

At first glance, the first option seemed very tempting. However, she had already caused a stir to cut ties with Wu Lun. The museum staff would probably soon receive news of a mentally ill person wandering around the museum—they couldn't allow an uncontrollable lunatic to roam freely inside. And when they realized that this mentally ill person hadn't left through the exit, it would undoubtedly cause trouble for her and even for Wu Lun.

Once she made up her mind, she no longer paid attention to the exhibits and quickly made her way to the back exit of the museum.

The news that a mentally ill person was in the museum spread slower than Lin Sanjiu's pace. Arriving at the exit and scanning the area, she noticed the lone female staff member in the corridor. She appeared calm and unbothered, barely glancing at those exiting the museum. To ensure the staff knew she was leaving, Lin Sanjiu deliberately cleared her throat loudly as she neared the staff member.

The staff member's gaze instinctively shifted to her, prompting Lin Sanjiu to mutter, "I won't be easily fooled. How many times have I nearly died? While I struggled to survive in a pocket dimension and died nine times, you ordinary people were still at home watching TV."

Aiming to mimic a mentally ill person, she recalled the behaviors of those she'd seen on the streets, who often talked to themselves or even shouted at nothing in particular. She didn't have much to say, so her personal experiences slipped into her mutterings. Luckily, with no posthumans present, it wasn't a concern. When the female staff member stared at her intently, Lin Sanjiu quickly turned and yelled at the empty space beside her, "Lower your voice! Don't let them hear you!"

The female staff member instinctively backed against the wall and reached for her walkie-talkie. Lin Sanjiu pretended not to notice anyone around her, confidently striding toward the exit. Once outside and looking back, she caught sight of the staff member peering through the glass door at her while talking into the walkie-talkie.

With this, the notion that the lunatic had left the museum was likely established.

Leaving the museum's vicinity, Lin Sanjiu took some time to scout the area. She hadn't robbed a museum before, so she needed time to plan her actions and hoped there were sports equipment stores nearby with potentially useful items. However, after two hours of searching to no avail, she stumbled upon an elementary school just as the school day was ending.

A group of parents gathered at the school gate, eagerly waiting for their children to appear behind the gate. For a moment, Lin Sanjiu overheard snippets of conversations—"She just doesn't like playing the piano," "Yes, my daughter-in-law can't come today," etc. These ordinary people, who lived their lives day by day, were unaware that a would-be criminal was in their midst, drawing inspiration from their conversations.

Lin Sanjiu deemed the children escorted by their parents too young to be her targets. The older students, around eleven or twelve, exited in groups.

Positioning herself on a flower bed's edge near the school, she sifted through her card inventory. She realized she had become a storage room for the hodgepodge of her and her friends' belongings. There were even two packs of cat litter that Dr. Hu left with her for emergencies.

Seeing that both little girls were almost in sight, she finally rummaged through some trinkets that Bohemia had thrown at her to hold at some point.

Bohemia's interests, apparently, were about the same as a sixth grader's. 

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