Bonus ~1

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Happy One million Reads to us❤️✨😘

I am overjoyed today because, although I never thought we would reach this goal, my efforts and your support have made it possible.

Thank you so so much guys!

Please continue to support me in this manner in the future.

Enjoy the chapter!

5 years later

In the bustling household of Adhiraj and Dishika, life is a beautiful chaos. Their son, Adish, is the heart of their home, his laughter echoing through the corridors as he chases the family  around, his small feet pattering against the marble floors. At five years old, he's the spitting image of his mother—curious and interactive, with a maturity that belies his tender age. He's the darling of the family, his antics bringing a smile to everyone's faces.

Adhiraj and Dishika, despite the occasional squabble, have a bond that only grows stronger with each challenge. Their love is a testament to their commitment, a dance of resilience and passion that has carried them through five years of marriage.

Karan and Aditi, who tied the knot two years ago, have found their own slice of happiness. The memory of the incident  has faded into a distant past, replaced by the joy of Aditi's pregnancy. Her cravings have become the stuff of family legend, like the night she sent Karan out for tandoori soya chap, only to receive malai soya chap instead—a mix-up that had Adhiraj  scolding his brother-in-law at two in the morning.

But amidst the laughter and love, there's a thread of longing between Adhiraj and Dishika. Their time for each other has been whittled down by the demands of life. Adhiraj's business is thriving, a testament to his acumen and Karan's timely partnership. Dishika's clinic is a beacon of hope and healing in the community. Yet, in the whirlwind of success and responsibility, their moments of quiet togetherness have become rare.

They move like ships in the night, their conversations brief and often interrupted by the needs of their family and work. The spark between them is still there, flickering in their shared glances and the brief touches as they pass each other in the hallway. They yearn for the days when they could talk for hours without the world pressing in on them.

It's a Saturday morning, and the house is alive with the usual commotion. Adish is up to his usual mischief, drawing giggles from Aditi as she rests on the couch. Karan is on the phone, discussing business with a client, his voice a steady hum in the background.

Adhiraj watches Dishika as she tends to a scraped knee of Adish, her hands gentle and her voice soothing. There's a pang in his heart, a silent wish to steal her away from the world, if only for a moment. And perhaps today, he'll find a way. Maybe it's time to carve out a slice of time just for them,

Adhiraj finds himself drawn to Dishika's side, his hand brushing hers as she finishes bandaging Adish's knee. Their eyes meet, and there's a silent understanding that passes between them. It's time to reconnect.

Adhiraj takes a deep breath and speaks up, "Dishika, let's take a day off. Just you and me." Dishika looks up, surprise flickering in her eyes, but it's quickly replaced by a warm glow of anticipation.

They decide to leave the bustling house in the capable hands of Karan and Aditi for the day. With a quick arrangement for a family friend to watch over Adish, they set out for a day in the city they once roamed as carefree lovers.

Their first stop is the botanical gardens, where they walk hand in hand among the blooming flowers, the air filled with the scent of jasmine and roses. They talk, really talk, about everything and nothing—reminiscing, dreaming, laughing. It's as if the years peel away, leaving them as they once were, two souls intertwined.

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