The move from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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I never thought I'd leave my home. I loved Scotland and all of the crazy lads and lassies that lived there, but my mother recently got a job offering in California; more specifically, a town called Beacon Hills.
At first my heart was weary at leaving my dear Alba, but something told me that I was meant to be in Beacon Hills. Like it was my new destiny. As a Scottish lass with traditional grandparents growing up, they always taught me to follow my heart. To make my destiny my own. Go where ever my heart desires. Be crazy, don't just listen to the rational decision in my head because sometimes you have to listen to your heart to know what's good for you.
I loved my grandparents dearly, but sadly they have already passed away and crossed across to the high skies. I didn't have much reasons that tied me down to stay. I felt it in my heart that I was needed somewhere else.
So to Beacon Hills my mother and I moved. Just me and her. I never got to meet the bloke that called himself my father. Last I heard, he could be dead. All well. It's time to turn a new chapter in my life.
Which presents me to my next adventure:
Senior year at a new school in America. Fuck me sideways.

'Gaol Leat' -loving you- Derek Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now