Pup Riot

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                                                                                     Libby's POV

It was another sunny day in Adventure Bay, Ryder and I were going away for the day.

All the pups were playing outside the Lookout, Tracker and Ella were playing with Tuck and Annalise. Al, Rex, and Coral were dancing to Glockenpop by Spiderbait. Marshall and Everest were also playing with each other, and so are Rocky and Liberty, Sweetie and Arrby, and Rubble and Roxi.

Zuma was playing with the cat pack, and Chase and Skye were going for a run.

But then, an unknown pup came up to the Lookout, and decided to start a riot with the other pups.

"What are you doing here?" Skye asked shaking in fear.

The unknown pup was revealed to be.

"Moby?!" Coral gasped.

"That's right, I started this riot because I'm only going after Skye. Oh guess who else is with me." Moby Smirked.

Another pup came next to Moby and it was.

"Boomer?!" Roxi gasped.

"That's right, I helped Moby start this riot." Boomer smirked.

The other pups when to go save Skye, but Moby pushed them back, and Boomer knocks Skye out with a baseball bat.

"SKYE!" Chase panicked.

Chase and the other pups, and the cat pack all went to fight Moby and Boomer, but they forgot their gear and their superpowers, so they got the gear and power crystals.

Chase used his super speed to outran Moby and Boomer, then used his laser eyes, while Marshall teleported behind them and threw fireballs at them.

Tracker and Ella used their plant control and growing powers. Tuck and Annalise used their shrinking and mind powers.

Sweetie and Arrby just simply beat them up. Everest used her ice powers. Rocky and Zuma used their magnetism and water powers.

Roxi went over to protect Skye. Rex used his dinosaur shape shifting powers, Al used his blue energy blasts (which blasts out of his paws,) at Moby and Boomer.

The cat pack used their cat powers to attack, while Coral used her bubble power. Rubble even used his wrecking ball power to send Moby and Boomer flying.

After they defeated Moby and Boomer, they went to check on Skye.

"Skye, are you ok?" Chase asked.

Skye slowly started to wake up. "Chase, is that you?" Skye weakly asked.

"Skye, My baby, you are ok." Chase happily said as he hugged Skye.

"I can't believe Rex, Al, and my cousin Coral have superpower. How?" Skye asked.

"Well, we also got near that meteor one day, and it gave me the ability to change into any dinosaur I want." Rex said.

"I got the ability to shoot blue energy from my paws." Al said.

"And I got bubble power. I shoot bubbles from my paws." Coral said.

"Like I can blow bubbles from my mouth from that second crystal." Zuma said.

When Ryder and I got home, we were happy that Skye is ok, but her head hurts.

"Congrats, Rex, Al and Coral for getting superpowers." I said.

All the pups then licked Skye because they were happy.

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