-Beacon Hills- Chapter 1

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*look at picture above* (btw I took that)
As I looked out of my new bedroom window, I took in the beautiful scenery, and I felt at peace. The sunsets here are almost mystical and the sky blends into the Earth in such a spectacular way. Now, I don't know my way around town yet, but I do know I live near the Beacon Hills Preserve. But I don't mind. As long as I get sunsets like this, I'll be happy.
That's why I decided to take a walk on this fine afternoon through the preserve and explore for a spot where I can lay back and watch the stars. I've always felt very connected to nature and the beauty it had to offer. What I didn't expect was what was to come next.
I found a spot to stargaze. I laid back on the large tree stump, and looked up at the sky. I pointed out constellation after constellation until I began to grow tired. I was nearly asleep when I heard a twig snap in the distance and I saw flashlights. Scared, I jumped and sat upright quickly and accidentally scraped my arm on the rough tree stump, causing my arm to bleed. Blood streamed down my arm and droplets hit the large stump, and something weird happened. It was as if I felt a gust of powerful wind come from the stump and into my body, but that wasn't the weirdest part. I watched as the cut on my arm healed in front of my eyes. Like it were never there.
I was confused, scared, I saw the flashlights in the distance, and I heard radio static and chatter coming closer. The police. Something tells me I wasn't supposed to be here. Why were the police out here at night for anyways? I didn't know and I really wasn't aiming on finding out, so I did the logical thing any freaked out person would do and I ran back towards the entrance of the preserve.
Every now and then I'd turn to look behind me, and I'd run the opposite way from the flashlights in the distance to prevent from being caught. While I wasn't paying attention, I found myself running into someone at full speed, and knocking them over. I heard two males screaming.
"AHHH! Oh my GOD!" A boy with a buzzcut standing above me said, holding his chest. "Woman where did you come from!"
I gaped up at the boy before looking down at the boy I had accidentally tackled.
"I-I'm sorry! I got spooked and wasn't watching where I was going in front of me lad!" I said, in a thick Scottish accent. What can I say, when I'm scared or yelling, the accent comes out strong.
"Ugh! It's okay! You didn't mean to." The boy with a slightly crooked jawline said.
"Let me help ya up." I offered him my hand, and pulled him to his feet. "I'm Astrid Finley. I just moved here from Scotland. I was out here stargazing and I got a wee bit scared when the polis (Scot Gaelic for police)popped out of no where."

"It's okay. I'm Scott McCall and this is my best friend Stiles Stilenski." The boy said, pointing at buzzcut boy.

"Stiles eh? That's a unique name. Would it happen to be short for something? Back in Scotland the stranger names always have a long hard to spell name?" I asked. 'Stiles' turned bright red.

"Yeah! Actually his name is Mietzclaw-"

"Scott! Not the government name dude!"

I giggled. "It tis nice to meet both of you. So what are you guys doing out here?" I asked.

"Ahh- uhm well you know- things to do and do things." Stiles said very confidently.

I have him a questionable look, and my mind started to wonder if the police were looking for these two. What if they were murderers!!!
I slowly stepped back some.

Scott, must have notice the discomfort on my face and he started to explain very quickly.
"No! No! Wait, we aren't weird. Stiles' dad is the sheriff and we were sort of going to.... Spy on the crime scene....." Scott said giving me a guilty smile.
These two are goofballs.

"Ah, what kind of crime scene?"

"......a girl was cut in half and they are looking for the other half of her body..." Stiles answered, matter of factly.

'Gaol Leat' -loving you- Derek Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now