sparkle in your eyes

2 0 0

The sound of rain was actually healing me from inside, but remembering about his face was making  my heart cry like the rain .
It thundered onto my heart thinking about this eyes .

                     1961-summer time

If I hated something more than the spicy food then it will be the summer.

* Door knocked *

May I come in  Mr . Taeshi ?

Yeah you can aunty lee , and I told you to not call me by Mr. I'm so younger than you , don't make me feel old please " said by taeshi.

As you say Mr. Umm sorry Mr ...Forget it . Everyone is calling for you

Why? Is it urgent?how does there face is looking like? Angry , sad, happy??

Don't ask too many questions mr .

My heart was beating so fast cause appa eomma never called me unexpectedly.

I entered to our dinning room where our royal dinning table was full of fancy food but appa eomma was making face like they will eat me as their food .

I moved to them .

Eomma was speaking to me without looking at my face " come eat breakfast with us today"

I smiled at them *why not

My dad showed me some papers before I started eating. I whispered saying" aishhh what's again "

Then I clearly looked at those papers
And I realized appa eomma wasn't angry, they're sad about my new journey. Well I'm moving to Gangnam.
Did I chose it ? No , my grandpa has his own reign there, he wants his favorite son in law to study there , funny

But I don't know anyone in Gangnam, what if someone just rob me there???

I saw tears coming from my eomma's eyes " are you actually ready for it?"

I have never stayed away from my parents but I don't want them to worry about me as well " I have gotten older now look Im getting white hair already" I said

My mom softly smiled at me saying " you are just 18 dumb , you can't even pour the water for yourself"

" Seriously eomma??? Aren't you the one who Calles me a good boy and makes me do all house chores?"

"But you know right your mom can't stay without his little boy "

I only saw my mom speaking to me but appa didn't even look at me . I think he's mad at me for something else.

We are done eating breakfast but every bite was feeling like the last bite it felt like it's my last breakfast with them .

" Do what your hearts tell you to do" appa said it when he got up from his chair.

Well now Im feeling like they both don't want me to leave

But nor I can obey my grandpa's order.

Eomma packed a whole strawberry tree for my last day hahahaha as if I can't stay without strawberry .

I clearly don't know how to think straight cause all I thinking about is them , what if it is my last time seeing their face and getting love from them?

They are all ready to say goodbye to me .I wanted to stay strong for them cause my weakness is their weakness.
They gave me there best warm hug .
My goodbye was looking like I'm saying bye to them for forever.

I finally left my hometown, and entered to Gangnam.

It doesn't look like my type , does all gangster live here ! Nasty. People are smoking everywhere. How I'm supposed to study at this place .

I stayed one night at my grandpa's house . They welcomed me like a prince . Grandpa told me everything about this city and about my upcoming days.

They offered me a luxurious house but I don't want to stay there otherwise other students will say I'm showing off , so I decided to live a life like other students.

As a transfer student it's my first time attending class .

My new homeroom teacher took me with him

We entered to the classroom " we have a new transfer student please get along with him" teacher said

*I Introduced myself politely*

No one smiled at me and clapped for me except girls. I know boys are already jealous of me

I got a seat next to a girl . Her name is soojin  , I don't know if she's friendly with me because I'm handsome.

After 30 minutes of class starting a guy entered to the classroom without teacher's permission, I thought it's a part of gangnam's rules . Cause the teacher didn't said anything well.

I kept looking at the guy , he has doe eyes , bunny teeth, Round, borderlining a heart-shaped face, pretty lips and has a mole under his lips , but from afar I think his height can be 5"9" .

He seemed interesting to me but as long as I'm bad at communicating with new people I think I can't or maybe I should start a conversation by asking a question. I don't even know his name aishhhh !.

*Ring bells*

Everyone is ready for P.E class and everyone left except me and that good looking guy , what should I name him? Umm I guess bunny will suit him .

I went close to him but he was sleeping on his desk so I leaned closer to him to see if he's sleeping or not .

He felt my breath and he got his head up from his desk and we breath into the same air

our face met each other like how the moon come closer to the earth to make it shine .

My heart skipped a beat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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