July 2 - "You can tell me if you are not okay." (10)

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I thought that maybe after taking a long bath in that beautiful tub my thoughts had cleared up...
But it wasn't like that.
I was still feeling overwhelmed by them.

I dried my hair, letting them go in their naturally wavy style.
Almost ringlets way.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was looking like I hadn't slept in a week.

I put some concealer under my dark circles, then I added a bit of mascara, and an eye shadow in some nude tones.
I chose a lipstick in a dark pink tone.

There was still half an hour to go and I had to decide what to wear...
After changing two outfits, I finally opted for sleeveless dress.
The beginning part of the dress was blue and stayed tight, then descended into a wide white skirt with tiny blue flowers printed on it.
It reached just under my knee.

I put on a silver necklace and pearl earrings.
I kept fixing my hair but there was nothing to fix...

I left my room just five minutes late and took the elevator to reach the hall.
I turned around but did not see Bella, so I leaned against the reception counter and took the phone in my hand.

At that moment Joe sent me a photo of him, smiling in front of the mirror.
He was elegantly dressed.

"Ellie." I heard myself calling from behind.
Her voice was such in a calm and quiet tone.
I turned around and Bella was smiling at me.

She was wearing a light purple dress, above her knee.
It is in a soft fabric, tight in her hips emphasizing her curves.
It has thiny suspenders and a drape over the breast.

I still don't know how she does that but
it fits her like a glove... and she is wearing it very elegantly and naturally.

Her soft long hair, waved at the ends, were under her bare shoulders.
She has a lipstick in a cherry red shade.

Bella smiled slightly, coming over me: "Here you are..."
The black eyeliner she has suits her almond eyes shape.

"Shall we go?" She asked me.
I nodded my head.
"I'm starving..." She added.
As she moved her head I saw her golden pendants earrings.

"I hope they don't serve those mini portions of food restaurants usually have..." She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

I laughed: "If it were up to me, we would go to Mcdonald's..."
Bella smiled warmly: "Fine. We can get along."

We turned around, starting to walk without knowing where to go.

"Look..." I said, pointing to a sign with all the restaurant of the hotel.

As we silent looked each one of them, I began to lose hope as each of them had incredibly flashy titles,
but all of a sudden Bella and I spoke at the same.
"Mexican's food!" We exclaimed.

We looked at each other, blushing and bursting out laughing.


Along the streets of the resort, everything seemed incredibly peaceful and relaxing.
I looked up and there was a crescent moon illuminating that clear night.

But my mind was not clear at all...

"Have you talk to the boys?" I sighed with my gaze turned toward the sky.

Bella huffed.
I looked at her and I immediately recognized that contrite expression she just didn't want to hide at all.

"Something wrong?" I asked in a low voice.

"I don't feel like thinking about them all the time." She replied.
I was surprised by her outspoken and calm way.

"I want us to have fun." She added in a soft way.

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