Chapter 1: Arrival at Camp

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Arrival at Camp

As the sun set over the mountains, Alex pulled up to the entrance of the camp. A wooden sign hung, reading "Camp Pineview" in bold letters. As he stepped out of his car to grab his bags from the trunk, he felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Making his way to the camp office, he spotted a familiar face chatting with the camp officer. His heart skipped a beat as he set his eyes on Mia, his long-time friend. Then, he walked closer to them. Mia gave him a warm smile as she welcomed him, and the camp officer showed them to their rooms.

As they walked inside the building, Alex said to Mia, "I have a feeling this is going to be the best summer ever." Mia asked why he made such a statement, and he explained that they hadn't seen each other since she transferred from Stanford to Harvard University. Although it was her final year at Harvard, they always spoke on the phone. They were shown to their rooms, with Alex's being opposite Mia's.

After settling in, it was late, so they headed to the beach to enjoy the calm nature of the sea while having an interesting conversation. Alex's best friend, Ethan, would be joining them tomorrow, along with Mia's elder sister, Julia, while Mia's boyfriend would be joining them the day after tomorrow. Alex was unaware of Mia's boyfriend. They both enjoyed each other's company, sharing stories about their university experiences and how life had been. Then, Mia casually mentioned her boyfriend, and she noticed a change in his mood. She asked what was wrong, but he just changed the topic, saying, "It's really late; we had a long day today. Tomorrow is another day."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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