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Settling into her comfortable chair at her desk, Lanecea opened her notebook and picked up her favourite pen. She was ready to dive into the next installment of her children's series, chronicling the adventures of Storm and Èlise, characters inspired by her own family's experiences.

She began to write, weaving a tale of bravery, friendship, and discovery. The names of the children in her book mirrored those of her own: Thorson, Revna, Taran, Fintan, Llia, Rheaghan, Deklan, whom she affectionately called Kaniel in the story, using his middle name, and her two-year-old triplets, Cairen, Clanna and Lachlin.

As she crafted the narrative, Lanecea carefully incorporated elements of their upcoming journey to Fort Cataraqui. She described the majestic oak grove, the bustling activity at Timeless Haven Hotel, and the anticipation of a grand adventure awaiting the family.

Lanecea was mindful to avoid references to magic, knowing that her nephews and nieces were not permitted to read fantasy stories like "The Chronicles of Narnia," which had been her childhood favourite. Instead, she focused on themes of courage, resilience, and family bonds, infusing the story with lessons and values she held dear.

With each word penned on the page, Lanecea felt a sense of joy and fulfillment, knowing that her storytelling not only entertained her children but also served as a bridge to connect them with their distant relatives. As she reached the end of the chapter, she smiled, satisfied with the tale she had woven and eager to share it with her family.

Lanecea sat at her antique desk, the morning sun filtering through the lace curtains casting a soft, golden glow over the room. Her fingers hovered over the keys of her vintage typewriter, a cherished relic from another era that mirrored her love for history and nostalgia.

As she began to type, the rhythmic clacking of the keys filled the air accompanied by the distant chirping of birds outside. Lanecea's mind was filled with the characters and stories she had woven over the years, each one a reflection of her passion for storytelling and her deep connection to the past. 

The tale was set against the backdrop of Fort Cataraqui, mirroring the upcoming real-life journey her family was about to embark on.

As she read through the narrative, Lanecea's mind buzzed with excitement. She visualized Storm and Èlise exploring the historic fort, meeting Governor General Frontenac, and immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of French colonial life.

But Lanecea wasn't content with just a fictional account. She wanted to infuse the story with the essence of their real-life plans. With a few deft keystrokes, she began revising the draft, adding in details of their preparations for the journey.

Storm's enthusiasm for exploring new territories found its way into the character of Storm, while Èlise's love for history and genealogy shaped her fictional counterpart. Lanecea wove in descriptions of the carriage they would travel in, the provisions they would pack, and the excitement of meeting Governor General Frontenac.

With each revision, the story came alive, blending fiction and reality seamlessly. Lanecea's heart raced with anticipation as she imagined sharing the finished tale with her children, knowing that their upcoming adventure would be even more extraordinary than the story she had crafted.

As she put the finishing touches on the revised draft, Lanecea couldn't help but smile. The first scene of their real-life adventure was about to unfold, and she had captured the essence of it in her story. With a sense of excitement and anticipation, she set her manuscript aside, ready to embark on the journey that awaited them at Fort Cataraqui.


Lanecea's eyes sparkled with delight as she carefully selected small keepsakes from her collection, each one holding a special connection to their upcoming trip to Fort Cataraqui. She knew these items would add an extra layer of magic to the story she was crafting for her sister, Adelaide, and her children.

First, Lanecea chose a tiny vial filled with sand from the shores of the Cataraqui River, where Fort Cataraqui had once stood majestically overlooking the water. The golden grains sparkled in the sunlight, carrying the essence of the historic fort and the adventures that awaited them.

Next, she picked up a small feather, a token of the native birds that frequented the oak grove near Timeless Haven Hotel. Lanecea imagined the feather as a symbol of connection, bridging the gap between their family's past and present, just as Storm's heritage did.

Her fingers lingered on a polished stone, smooth and cool to the touch. It was a piece of quartz she had found during one of her walks near the hotel, a reminder of the natural beauty that surrounded them and the serenity of the wilderness.

Lanecea selected a miniature replica of a carriage, a symbol of the journey they would embark on together. It was intricately detailed, with tiny wheels that turned and doors that opened, reminiscent of the grand carriages they would travel in during their trip. Lastly, Lani added three miniature figurines to represent her nephew and nieces.

With these keepsakes in hand, Lanecea felt a surge of warmth and anticipation. She imagined Adelaide and her children marvelling at the tiny treasures, each one carrying a piece of their upcoming adventure.

Carefully wrapping the keepsakes in a silk pouch, Lanecea tucked them into the package with the book in her series. A smile played on her lips as she sealed the envelope, knowing that she was not only sending a tale of adventure but also a piece of their real-life journey to her sister and her family.

Lanecea sat at her desk, her thoughts drifting to her sister Adelaide and her beloved nieces and nephew. It had been so long since they had last communicated, a painful rift that had separated them and yet, Lanecea couldn't shake the deep love she felt for them, especially for her nieces and nephew whom she adored.

With a heavy heart, Lanecea prepared the package containing the book and the small keepsakes. As she sealed the envelope, a bittersweet smile tugged at her lips. Sending the package anonymously was her way of reaching out, of showing her nieces and nephew how much she cared, even if they were unaware of her gesture.

In her mind, Lanecea imagined the excitement in Adelaide's household as the package arrived. She pictured her nieces and nephew eagerly opening it, their eyes widening with wonder at the story and the treasures enclosed within. It brought a sense of warmth to her heart, knowing that she was still a part of their lives in some small way, even if they didn't know it was her.

As she placed the package on her desk, ready to be sent out, Lanecea couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. The anonymity added a layer of mystique, but it also deepened the longing in her heart to be reunited with her family. Still, she held onto hope that one day they would bridge the gap that had kept them apart, and she would be able to embrace her nieces and nephew once again.


Deklan frowned as he joined his mother in the parlour, his eyes lingering on the package addressed to his aunt and cousins.

"Why do you even bother? We never hear from them..."

Lanecea sighed, the weight of the estrangement from her family heavy on her heart. "I miss them, Deklan. I miss your Auntie Addie and the children," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.

"It only hurts worse," Deklan whispered as his mother pulled him into her arms in an attempt to comfort her son.

Taran leaned against the desk giving his older brother and mother a moment, knowing how much Deklan needed it. Taran had never met his grandparents, aunt and uncle, or cousins who made Deklan look so sad.

"Perhaps we could do something really special that they can't refuse," Taran grinned, "Why don't we make your event just like your latest book? It would be a very special surprise and you could stay hidden so they don't know you're the brains behind the scene."

Lanecea's eyes lit up at the idea, a glimmer of hope returning to her gaze. "That's a wonderful idea, Taran! Thank you," she said gratefully.

Fintan, who had joined them added, "We will make it a magical event for them, and they will never suspect a thing."

With a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation, Lanecea and her children added the new twist to her plans for the upcoming event, their shared goal bringing joy to Lani and her sons who couldn't wait to share with their sisters their fantastic idea.

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