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Lanecea sat on Rowan's lap, a soft flush kissing her cheeks as he turned her, positioning her so her back was against his chest, her legs draped on either side of his. Lanecea's fingers trembled as she smoothed her skirts, the soft fabric spilling over her hips before kissing the sun-dappled forest floor.

The oak grove was alive with the whispers of ancient secrets. The dryads moved gracefully around them, their forms ethereal and their movements fluid, as if they were part of the very air. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting golden patterns on the ground, dancing with the rhythm of the dryads' steps.

Elderon stepped forward, his age-old wisdom apparent in his every gesture. He held a staff carved with intricate symbols that glowed faintly. With a deep, resonant voice, he began chanting in a language as old as the trees themselves. The words vibrated in the air, stirring the leaves and sending ripples through the fabric of time.

Elowen, her blond hair shimmering like spun gold, approached Lanecea with a bowl made of polished wood, filled with a sparkling liquid. She knelt before Lanecea, her blue eyes meeting Lanecea's with a mixture of reverence and affection.

"Drink, my queen," Elowen said softly, offering the bowl. "This is the elixir of visions. It will guide you through the ceremony."

Lanecea accepted the bowl, her hands steadying as she felt Rowan's supportive presence behind her. As the elixir flowed through her, she felt her senses heighten, her connection to the grove and its ancient magic deepening.

The dryads formed a circle around Rowan and Lanecea, their chants intertwining with Elderon's. They raised their arms, palms open to the sky, and the air grew thick with the scent of lilacs and earth. Energy hummed through the grove, a palpable force that connected them all.

Rowan's arms tightened around Lanecea, his warmth grounding her as the visions began. She saw the past and the future merging, the threads of time weaving together to form a tapestry of destiny. She saw herself as the queen of this sacred place, guiding her family and guests through the corridors of history.

Elderon's chant reached a crescendo, and the dryads echoed his final words. The energy in the grove peaked, and Lanecea felt a surge of power flow through her, anchoring her to her purpose.

As the ceremony concluded, Elowen approached again, this time with a delicate crown made of oak leaves and silver threads. She placed it gently on Lanecea's head, a symbol of her sovereignty and the bond she shared with the dryads.

"You are our queen," Elowen whispered. "And we are with you, always."

Lanecea felt a deep sense of peace and strength. She knew that with Rowan's love, the dryads' support, and her own resolve, she could navigate the challenges ahead. The grove was her sanctuary, and within its embrace, she would fulfill her destiny.

Rowan no longer restrained his intimate caresses as Lanecea sat in his arms, as regal as a queen. His lips trailed along her neck, each kiss igniting a fire within her, while his hands moved with reverent tenderness over her body. Lanecea's breath caught in her throat, her fingers resting on his forearm as her heart pounded in sync with his.

Elowen watched them with a knowing smile before she turned her attention to the fountain. The magical elixir flowed like sap which she collected in crystal vials that caught the sunlight, casting rainbows across the grove. Each vial shimmered with promise, ready to weave its enchantment on the guests.

"Each guest will be given a vial upon arrival," Lanecea said, her voice steady despite the fire Rowan kindled in her. "Their response will determine their destiny. If they turn down the drink, they will enjoy the event but only on a surface level, partaking in an illusion. But for those who crave the drink..." She paused, feeling Rowan's breath warm against her neck, "I will give them the gift of time travel on the third day. They will find themselves in the oak grove, drawn here as if by a siren's call."

Elderon stepped forward, his wise eyes sparkling with approval. "It is a fitting test, my queen," he said, his voice a deep rumble that resonated through the grove. "Those who seek the truth, who crave the magic, will find it, and it will be the perfect moment for you to reveal yourself."

Lanecea nodded, feeling the weight of her responsibility but also the thrill of her power. "We cannot afford to be careless," she said, her gaze meeting Elderon's. "This is our safeguard. If they are worthy, they will be granted the gift. If not, they will remain in the present, none the wiser."

Elowen returned, holding a vial of the elixir up to the light. "Then let us prepare," she said, her voice filled with the timeless wisdom of the dryads. "We will be ready to guide them, and you, my queen, will lead the way."

Rowan's hands slid up to cup Lanecea's face, turning her towards him. His eyes, fierce devotion, searched hers. "We are with you, always."

The dryads moved around them, their ethereal forms a dance of light and shadow, as they prepared for the event that would blur the lines between reality and illusion, past and present. Lanecea, secure in Rowan's arms and surrounded by her mystical allies, felt the certainty of her destiny solidify within her. The path was clear, and with the dryads' support, she would walk it with grace and power.

As the preparations continued, the grove buzzed with ancient energy, ready to welcome those who dared to step into the past, guided by the queen who held the keys to time itself.

Taran, Fintan, the twins Llia and Rheagan, and the triplets entered the grove as though they were answering a call that couldn't be heard by the naked ear. Even two-year-old Clanna curtsied beside her older sisters as they stood before Lanecea, then knelt around her on the soft, mossy ground. Taran and Fintan withdrew their swords, Lanecea kissing the marble-hard surface before they flanked her.

At that moment, Lanecea fully embraced her role not only as Storm's mistress but also as the queen of the underworld that the dryads diligently guarded. Surrounded by her princes and princesses, Lanecea felt at peace as she sat in her sunlit queen's court. It was an almost perfect moment. All that was missing was her king and her other prince and princess, Thorson and Revna.

Elderon, reading the queen's mind, murmured, "You need servants, my queen. Servants who pass the test and can be trusted to not only take care of your needs but also to act as spies on your behalf."

The suggestion sounded wonderful to Lanecea, and she knew exactly what their first assignment as her spies would be: to find the man who intended to murder LaSalle. But first, they needed to prove their devotion by becoming addicted to the nectar elixir.

Lanecea, distracted by her thoughts, didn't realize that the dryads had served each of the children a goblet of the nectar. Her cheeks flushed as they toasted their queen before eagerly drinking every last drop.

Elowen, her movements graceful and purposeful, ensured that each child had their fill. "They are ready, my queen," she said softly, her voice carrying an ancient authority. "Their loyalty will be tested, and those who crave the nectar will show themselves worthy."

Lanecea looked at her children, their eyes bright with the enchantment of the elixir, and felt a surge of pride and determination. "This is our path," she declared, her voice strong. "We will find those who are true, who will stand by us in both the light and the shadows."

The dryads nodded in agreement, their ethereal forms shimmering in the sunlight. Rowan's hand rested on Lanecea's shoulder, his presence a steadying force. "We will assist in keeping your secret," he whispered, his lips brushing her hair. "No one will discover the true power of the nectar unless they are meant to."

As the ceremony concluded, Lanecea felt the weight of her responsibilities and the power that flowed through her. With her children, ancestors, and the dryads by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that her court was loyal and prepared to follow her into the depths of time and beyond.

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