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"Alright,alright I have to go." I said laughing to my friend.

She was currently trying to comb through  my long blonde hair and put in contacts over my green eyes. I didn't need contacts,she just thought that contacts were some amazing thing on this planet.

"Alright Summer,you sure you don't need a ride home?" She asked flopping onto her bed.

"Addie,I'm 14,and I've been walking home forever." I said rolling my eyes as I picked up my backpack.

"Okay. Just call me when you get home so I know you made it safely." She said flipping her TV on. She was already tuning me out, giving her full attention to the tv in front of her.

"Alright will do." I replied walking out of her room.

I waved goodbye to her parents and walked out of their warm house into the cool evening. The sun was just starting to go down,painting the sky a pink and orange. My black converse slapped the pavement as I continued on,stopping occasionally to admire the sunset. That was my favorite thing in the world to watch—the sun going down,and sometimes waking up just in time to see the sun rise. The wind whipped my blonde hair around my face and I annoyingly brushed it away,pausing to only pull it to the side.

I walked forward on the sidewalk thinking of making a hot chocolate when I got back when I heard a car horn blare behind me. I flipped my head around to see a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman sitting in a van.

I turned back around my heart fluttering when I heard one of the doors open.

Ignore it Summer they're just picking someone up. I scolded myself.

Footsteps slapped the pavement behind me and I broke into a sprint my feet pounding louder as I turned the corner,tears streaming down my face. My heart pounded as I continued sprinting,the slapping footsteps fading behind me. I slowed to a stop,my chest heaving from the lack of air and sobs.

I caught my breath and continued walking my heart still fluttering. I was caught off guard when a hand clamped down over my mouth and someone hoisted me up.

I screamed against the hand and began kicking,some of them landing into the persons stomach. More tears started washing down my face and I bit the persons hand and collapsed to the ground as the man screamed in pain.

I got control of my legs after the shock and stood up,and let out a huge scream,before the hand clamped down over my mouth again. I felt my legs get picked up to,and struggled to get free and shuddered as the van came into view again.

I struggled harder more tears streaming down my face.

This could not be happening right now. This didn't happen to my friends,why does it have to happen to me?

I waved my arms around and my fist connected to the mans face and he let out a struggled breath as he opened the van door and threw me in,causing me to slam my head against the metal side. I screamed in pain,fear causing my stomach to clench and twist. My voice grew hoarse, as I stared at the man before he slammed the back of the door shut, the sound hurting my ears.

The van lurched forward,causing me to hit my head again and I watched as the world went black,trapping me inside.

I woke up and fear set in as I sat up in a strange room that had bright yellow walls,an adjoining bathroom and a fluffy bed,along with a closet and dresser.

I got up and ran to the window and started crying as I saw the bars blocking me from escaping. I shook them hard and sobbed as they didn't move a budge.

Memories of last night rushed over me and I slid down the wall crying. My whole body shook with sobs as I realized the situation I was in.

I heard a knock on the door and a female voice asking if she could come in. I didn't answer and the lady from last night barged in.

"Good morning sweetheart." She said cheerfully sitting on the bed.

"Don't call me that." I snapped anger flaring inside of me.

"I can call you whatever you want because you are my daughter now. Don't act like that or you'll end up like our other daughters." She said an evil look casting over her face.

I trembled and wiped my face as she continued to stare at me with a proud smile on her face.

"Well we're having a party for you tonight,inviting family over." She said that stupid smile still on her face.

"I don't want to go to it." I whispered.

She shrugged it off like she didn't even hear and continued on.

"Breakfast is gonna be ready soon,change out of those clothes and come downstairs." She explained and left the room.

I stayed where I was until I stopped crying and stood up slowly,and tried walking on my wobbly legs over to the dresser. Pulling out a pair of shorts and a light blue top, I got changed trying to stop the tears running down my face.

I left my hair down—even though it was full of knots—and walked into the hall cautiously,and heard morning chatter downstairs. I walked down the stairs and took deep breaths as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning honey drop." The man said taking a sip of his coffee.

I slid into a seat and looked down at my hands when the lady set a plate of steaming pancakes in front of me and joined us at the table.

"We want you to start calling us mom and dad,honey dew. We're not telling you our real name until you get used to your new home." The man said.

"But I already have a mom and dad." I said sending them each a glare.

"Well they don't exist anymore." The man snapped a murderous look on his face.

I glanced down at my hands and listened to their chatter about the party later.

Apparently my new birthday was today, October 1st,and I forced back a sob as they continued talking about it. I took small nibbles of the pancakes and slid more than half of them away.

I excused myself, quickly getting up and sending the chair crashing to the floor. The man and woman glanced at me as I fixed it, their eyes watching me closely. I mumbled a "sorry" and then quickly hustled out of the room.

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