Chapter One

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Ulric was troubled. The peace between the human Kingdom of Audrora and the giant Kingdom of Etimid was faltering after more than two hundred years of peace. If something wasn't done soon, he feared another war would break out. If that were to happen, he feared his people would fall. He had no doubt if they did, the giants would enslave everyone.

The worst part was that only people he could blame were his own. He could still remember that horrible day five years ago. When he had received word that King Bennett's wife, his beloved Queen Penelope, had passed away due to an illness. And that King Bennett would have wipe Audrora from the world map for standing back and prolonging her suffering.

To this day, he still had no idea how Penelope had become so ill. But he was aware that giant medicine wasn't as advanced as human medicine was. Bennett had known that too, and had reached out to one of the most reputable doctors within Audrora, Doctor Vincent Crawley, for help. However, Doctor Crawley had outright refused to help. From his own lips, he swore to never give aid to "the barbaric savages of Etimid."

That had sealed Audrora's fate. Shortly after Queen Penelope was buried, humans were barred from Etimid. For the past five years, relations had been tense. In some places, they were outright violent. If humans were caught in Etimid territory, they were often killed on sight. Any and all trading agreements had been made void. Sometimes Etimid merchants would outright interfere with or block Audrora merchants from establishing relationships with other countries.

In turn, Ulric's people were furious. His own people would attempt to meddle with Etimid affairs at the borders. Even areas deemed neutral territory could not escape the hostility, which only made the neighboring nations upset. If this continued, he feared everything would collapse and fall to ruin.

He had no ideas on where to begin. Yet his wife, Queen Charlotte, had taken matters into her own hands. She had always said the first step to negotiations was showing humility. He and his advisors had ignored such advice, but that didn't stop her from implementing it. So, without telling him, she had reached out to Bennett herself with a sincere plea for peace.

Quite surprisingly, Bennett had responded in the positive. His advisors thought had been upset that Charlotte had reached out on her own. They had believed it to be a trick, a ruse of the giant king's. He had condemned Audrora five years ago and had done nothing to stop their feud. Why would he suddenly agree to meet for peace talks?

Still, Charlotte begged Ulric to give Bennet a chance. She argued it might have been their only chance for peace. Though his advisors insisted not to agree to meet, Ulric trusted his wife. If she said it was a good idea to meet with the giant, then he would.

True to his word, he had two of his advisors and his elite guard join him to meet King Bennett in neutral territory. They arranged to meet within one of the fortresses of King Marcus's land, inside one of the war rooms that was large enough to house all of them. Ulric sat on one end of the large table, his two advisors at his side with his soldiers stationed close to him.

On the opposite side of him sat King Bennett himself. He had only brought three of his guards, as well as only one advisor. Ulric felt a bit strange gazing at the other. The last time he had seen Bennett, his eyes were full of malice. Yet, there was not a hint of hatred behind those red eyes. He also didn't look nearly as tense as how Ulric felt. Bennett seemed almost carefree, despite the gravity of their kingdoms' situation.

So when Bennett gave a polite, almost charming smile, he didn't know what to make of it. He just watched the ten-foot tall giant carefully, in case this was truly all a trap like his advisors warned him.

But Bennett made no attempt to move and continued to smile. "It certainly has been a long time, hasn't it, Ulric?"

Ulric nodded. "Yes. It has been."

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