Little Red Knives

36 4 12

Sunday November 13, 2011

The Little Red Serial Killer is back, everyone thought that after the Goldilocks' case that nearly got her caught she would've quit, obviously everyone was wrong. Another one went missing into the Little Red Forest yesterday, female, 11, the name was Bo and she went missing while looking for her pet sheep; 'missing', yeah right.

Now this sweet old lady that lives in the woods, calls herself Granny Smith, has hired me to protect her from the crazy murderer. I know I'll keep her safe, or my name isn't Edgar J. Wolfe.


Day 1,102

After a long hiatus I am finally back in business, I had to wait a little while for the heat of my last kill to die down before I could make my epic return. I also had to wait for another naive little kid to wander through the woods, parents started growing brains and eventually I wasn't getting any fresh meat. Bo Peep though, oh she was cute and little and innocent, I thought I was going to barf. Now that I'm back everyone will go crazy, and I'll get back to my duties as the deliverer of death.


Monday November 14, 2011

"I hear noises in the night." She said when I arrived at the house today. "But not the usual ones, I hear screaming, I hear running, I'm considering moving."
"That won't be necessary now that I'm on the case."
"I appreciate all you're doing for me Mr. Wolfe, but I doubt you'll be able to solve this case all by yourself."
"You just don't know me well enough yet." That could come off as cocky to some, but on the inside I'm really just a scared little boy who wants to snuggle into his bed sheets and never come out again. However, I know that the lives of others are more important than my fears and that's why I got into detective work.

I scouted out the area around the house today and found some admittedly odd things, small footprints, little shreds of clothing, it almost made me think that Granny Smith is the killer...

Tuesday November 15, 2011

Granny Smith is definitely not the killer, her grandson Will came over today and I found out that she is a very beloved mother of 3 and grandmother of 4, not a murderer.

Late this afternoon I heard screaming coming from somewhere in the woods and I tried to follow the sound, but all I found was a patch of dead red roses, hopefully they weren't foreshadowing something to come.

Wednesday November 16, 2011

Bo Peep was found dead today, I should've inspected more of the area around the roses. I went back there today, to the roses, and found a trail of petals that lead me to a note, 'Run, run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm...'; the note sat next to a gingerbread man, with the the head bitten clean off. I did run, I ran all through the forest until I couldn't push myself even a step farther, but found exactly nothing. When I got back to Granny Smith's house she was so worried about me, I hadn't even realized I had been investigating the woods for an hour and a half.


Day 1,105

I'm not too happy about this detective guy poking around in my business, so I left him a note today, something simple, with a little bite... But if he starts getting sneaky again I'll have to be a little more forward with my warnings.


Thursday November 17, 2011

The papers are saying that the police have finally found a suspect that may be the Little Red Serial Killer, the man's name is Humpty Dumpty, he doesn't exactly sound like the murdering type, in all honesty he sounds like an egg head.

There was a major advancement in my own investigation today, as I found an unusually large hole on the Western side of the forest. Down the rabbit hole I went, the darkness making me feel slightly claustrophobic. I ended up finding a small supply of food, a blanket, a candle and a red hood; I could only assume that the items belong to the Little Red Serial Killer, so I've brought the hood with me to Granny's house and hung it outside, if it is gone tomorrow I will know for sure that the killer is still roaming the woods.


Day 1,106

He took my hood. He took my hood. He found my hideout and he took my hood! I'm going to that little old Granny's house tonight to look for it, I'll get it no matter what it takes, no matter what.

The hood was just hanging outside, I don't know how that detective thought stealing my hood just to immediately give it back would be helpful to his investigation in any way, but it's back now and that's all that matters. I almost went into the house tonight, but I'm not quite ready for that yet... Yet.

Friday November 18, 2011

The hood was missing this morning, Granny took it as a sign that the Little Red Serial Killer already knew where she lived, but I took it as the next clue in my investigation. A friendly woodsmen visited the house today and told us how he saw a shadowy figure running through the woods last night, which he assumes was Little Red getting their hood back. The woodsmen promised to report any more suspicious activity he observed, having an extra pair of eyes is a great advantage.


Day 1,107

Now the detective has a guy watching out for me in the middle of the night?! This is driving me crazy, why can't he just leave a girl alone? I'm going to snap, it's just a matter of time now.


Saturday November 19, 2011

Granny discovered a basket on the doorstep this morning and when I inspected it I found an array of normal treats, apples, peanut butter sandwiches, cookies and a few other things. The odd part was the wilted rose and note that accompanied the snacks, the note simply read, 'Enjoy'. I told Granny to throw away the entire basket, I couldn't risk her getting poisoned, obviously.

Sunday November 20, 2011

I saw them last night, the Little Red Serial Killer, they ran right by my window like a gust of wind; I knew it was them because of the hood that concealed their features. What I did make out is that they're short, much shorter than I expected.

Humpty Dumpty was proven innocent today, which is no surprise. Now the police and the general public are confused as ever as to who the killer could be, I wish I could give them the answer because I'm so close, but it's not enough without a real answer; sadly, there's not much I can do when all the eyewitnesses of the killings are the victims.


Day 1,109

Go into the woods mother said, go to grandma's house mother said, it'll be fun mother said; well mother never said I'd get lost, mother never said she wouldn't look for me, mother never said I'd have to live alone in a big scary forest. So many kids get to live out their happy, oblivious little lives in a perfect fairy tale, they don't grow up knowing real fear. I can save them from that, they never have to get lost and abandoned, the fairy tale never has to end for them, like it did for me.


Monday November 21, 2011

There was another basket on the doorstep today, with another note, 'I told you to enjoy, please do, this is your last meal'. "What does she mean I told you to enjoy, does she know we didn't eat the last things she sent? The only way she could know that is..." Granny had nearly fainted. "She also said this is our last meal, that means she's coming for us."
"Don't worry, just stay inside, lock all the doors and board up all the windows." I instructed. She did exactly as I had said and we've spent the whole day in this house. Granny has asked me when it will be safe to leave, the answer is I just don't know.

The Mother Goose Gazette

Linda Smith and Edgar Wolfe were found dead at Smith's house on Tuesday November 22 by a local paperboy. Woodsmen Hank Gustav has been charged for the murder as he was the only person in the woods on the night of the 21st. A little girl was found close to the scene crying for her mother, the young girl is so far unidentified by police; she has short brown hair, blue eyes and was found wearing a red hood.

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