Chapter Nine

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The tour ended a little before sunset. Shortly after, Bennet had left to go back home to his castle. He jokingly invited Sophia to come with him so he could give her a tour of his castle, but she declined both bluntly and coldly. Brandon couldn't help but admire her a little for it; he wished more people had the spine to talk back to his father.

He was still pissed at him. Though Theresa had gotten over her embarrassment, her maid stuck close to her, sometimes even moving herself in between the two of them. Her expression remained neutral, but Brandon could see suspicion in her eyes whenever she looked at him. She must have thought he was as pushy and perverted as his father.

He would have to prove himself otherwise. But that would have to wait until tomorrow. Theresa had had a long day, and she needed rest. They had just finished supper, and she had been quiet for most of it. Though she had done her best to hide it, he caught her yawning a few times as well.

So, once she was ready, he escorted her and Sophia to her room. Putting it together had taken time; it was originally meant for a giant, so they had to import furniture fit for a human princess and her maid. They had even had a human-sized door carved into the giant-sized double doors for easier access.

"This is your room," he said as he stepped up to her room. "I hope it isn't a problem that you two will be sharing a space. It is separated for privacy, but if you require another room for Sophia, then-"

Theresa shook her head. Honestly, she was relieved that her first night wouldn't be alone. She found herself a bit anxious to sleep by herself in such an unfamiliar place. "This is fine. Thank you."

Brandon nodded. Then he gestured to the door closer to the hall's end. "My room is just down the hall. If you ever need anything, you can get me at any time."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Sophia said as she gave a polite bow. She opened the human door, but stopped to look at the princess. Then, in a soft voice, she asked, "Do you wish to speak to him a bit longer, ma'am?"

Theresa glanced up at the giant. He just stood there, patiently waiting for her to either tell him good night or say something else to him. Saying good night didn't feel right though. She had enjoyed her day with Brandon, getting to know both him and her future father-in-law.

She finally gave Sophia a nod. The maid then bowed her head before entering the room. Once the door behind her, Theresa turned back to look up at Brandon. She couldn't tell, but he was suddenly feeling nervous.

"Do you have everything you need?" he asked, hoping to silence his nerves. "If you require anything, let me know right away. I will arrange it to be brought to you as soon as possible.

"Thank you, but I believe I will be fine."

Brandon swallowed as he tried to think of what else to say. He certainly couldn't ask her to join him for a drink. She would probably faint at the thought of her coming into his room. He didn't want to give her or her maid the wrong idea or make them think he was like his father.

"I hope my father didn't bother you too much," he said before he could think to stop himself.

She blinked. "Your father?"

"His... teasing." A part of him wanted to call it harassment, but Brandon kept his mouth shut. He inwardly cursed him though. "He does it often, but I can get him to stop if it bothers you."

"Oh, no, no..." Theresa shook her head. "His Majesty was very kind. I was happy to speak with him."

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "You don't need to pretend."

"I'm not." A small smile graced her cheeks. "Today... Today was fun."

He blinked, a bit surprised. Considering how nervous they had been and how anxious coming to Etimid must have been, she couldn't imagine that she enjoyed herself that much. They certainly had pleasant conversation, but there had been just as many awkward silences.

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