Chapter 1

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You let out a gasp as you stumble over the forest floor, falling to the ground. You claw the damp earth, hoping to drag yourself forwards, but your ankles, having been bitten by ferocious hounds, continue to bleed, making movement difficult.

Suddenly the dogs are upon you. You close your eyes, expecting their sharp fangs to tare open your throat. A sharp whistle pierces the air. The dogs stop their growling. Standing over you now, a blue eyed man smirks. "Well, well, look what we've got here... I think i'll have my fun with you."

He then says something to one of his men, who picks you up and slings you over a rider-less horse. "Sorry about this love." The man says in a gruff voice. Hitting you across the head with the hilt of his sword, the scene before you begins to blur and everything slowly fades away into darkness.

Ramsay Snow/Bolton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now