Johnny, Johnny

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One day there was a boy named Johnny. Johnny Peterson. He lived in a huge 2 story house. Plenty of room for hiding spots. Anyways, One day his parents went out to a business dinner. They left him and his older sister, Terry, home alone.

Once his parents left, his sister went on her phone, ringing up her friends. Johnny decided to walk to the nearest video easy store to rent a movie. As he was looking through a stack of movies a man came up to him. "Are you Johnny Peterson?" he asked. "Uh yes.," Johnny replied. The man stared at him before saying in a quiet creepy voice, "Watch out". And then he walked away. Johnny frowned then went back to scanning the movie titles. A movie titled 'Johnny' caught his eye. "Cool", he said then decided to rent it since it's title was his name.

When he got back to his house, he found a note taped to the front door. The note read 'Gone out with friends. Dinner is in the microwave if your hungry. Be home soon! ~T' . "Good thing she's out of the way," he mumbled. Johnny looked in the microwave and found his dinner sitting there. Kraft Dinner, yummy, he thought. It was already warm so he took it out and went to watch his movie. He finished his dinner before the movie started 'cause it was that good! Then the movie started...

Creepy music filled the room. It scared Johnny a little. It also reminded him of the man he saw earlier. he pushed that thought out of his head and continued watching the movie.

"Johnny, Johnny. I'm walking down your street" the voice from the movie said. Johnny shivered but continued watching.

"Johnny. Johnny. I'm 2 houses away from you." it said again. Johnny was creeped out but he continued watching.

"Johnny, Johnny. i'm at your mailbox." This time Johnny couldn't stand it. He turned off the movie and put the disc back in the case. But it didn't stop.

"Johnny, johnny . i'm at your front door' the voice came from his head. Johnny ran upstairs and into his room.

"Johnny johnny. i'm In your hallway" johnny felt his heart beat faster. He quickly locked his Bedroom door.

"Johnny, Johnny i'm climbing up your stairs" Johnny tried climbing out his window but it was stuck and the glass wont break for some reason.

"Johnny, Johnny i'm at your bedroom door." Johnny slipped under his bed and his there.

"Johnny, johnny i'm in your bedroom." Johnny felt his heart beat faster and faster.

"Johnny, Johnny ..."

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